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Replacing God

At the heart of iniquity—the evil God’s Word says indwelt Lucifer when he decided to make himself more important than the Creator—festers the wicked desire to replace God.

This rebelliousness has been deeply ingrained within all of humanity since the Fall in Eden.  That iniquitous desire is dramatically manifested in the biblical account of Israel’s Exodus of Moses’ time.

The scene centers on Pharaoh, the most powerful potentate of the world in that day.

And Pharaoh said, Who is the LORD that I should obey his voice to let Israel go? I know not the LORD, neither will I let Israel go. (Exodus 5:2)

Pharaoh’s fate ended no better than will Lucifer’s, ultimately. Neither will the fate of anyone of any generation who seeks such position be any better than that of the one now called Satan. To desire to make oneself one’s own god is a fool’s errand, to be sure. The eternal lake of fire is the God-guaranteed end of that endeavor.

Yet most of humanity, especially those who consider themselves to be the elite, is determined to do what is right in their own eyes. The deeper mankind moves into history, the more pronounced their determination to cast off God’s moorings. They have become creators themselves, and like described in the prophecy of Psalm 2, they want to break the bands that God puts in place to govern them in the ultimate sense.

Nothing in last-days movement into history more illustrates the truth that man was created in God’s image than their own creative ability. We’ve made truly remarkable progress in terms of inventions that, in juxtaposition against previous century’s, border on miraculous. And now, as their genius pierces into uncharted technological atmospherics, the future seems to circle back to the past. The writer of Proverbs is again proven right: “There is nothing new under the sun.”

God said in that Genesis account that nothing people could think to do would be kept from them; they could do anything they could imagine. Thus He came down and interfered with their Tower project. He then scattered them about the earth—because their corporate mind again came to be like in the days before the Flood. They had determined to, like Lucifer, put their collective will into opposing the Creator, to cast His cords from themselves.

And, like during those antediluvian times, their thoughts were only on evil continually. Things they could produce from that sin-fallen thinking would, inevitably, bring man to its destruction.

This ultimate destruction of mankind, of course, has been Lucifer’s intention from the time he was evicted from Heaven along with his complicit hordes to, like a roaring lion, seek and devour all human beings.

And now it appears that both mankind and Satan have reached the moment of rebellious progression—like in times of the pre-Flood era and the time of Babel. The earth-dwellers have nearly reached a moment when they can shed God’s tethers and become their own gods: do what is right in their own eyes. Therefore, we sense the Lord is about to again intervene as He did in those previous junctures of human history. Jesus spoke of this time in which we’re living in His “days of Noah, days of Lot” forewarnings as recorded in Matthew 24:36–42 and Luke 17:26–30.

This sense of God’s imminent intervention comes from a number of different kinds of signs prophetic progression. But the one sensed most keenly is a specific, burgeoning scientific development of these frenetic times.

Artificial intelligence (AI) is that specific indicator.

Man’s creative genius has reached the point that the luciferian thinkers now believe they can surpass human intelligence. They can, they believe, construct intelligence that will free them to do whatever is right in their own eyes. They need no deity to encumber their utopian plans. They have, in their superior minds, replaced God.

We’ve been bombarded in recent decades with fictional scenarios of technologies getting out of control. These Hollywood dystopian fantasies have most often ended with the day being saved by one hero or group of heroes or the other. Humans have regained control and all ends well. A few cases see the climaxes of the movies go in the other direction, resulting in man’s downfall. One prophecy writer says the following.

Most accredited universities have within their computer science departments, active programs for the creation of artificial intelligence. At some point in the not-too-distant future, man is going to cross that technological threshold between fantasy and reality and launch a system that is “self-aware.” Scary thought!…

We have moved firmly into the realm of creating a super-intelligent AI system. We have developed the technology to create “deep fakes” that can fake audio and video, making it indistinguishable from the real thing. We have further developed cloud technology. Cryptocurrencies are proliferating. Drone and robotic technology are continuing to improve at an incredible pace and scale. Genetic manipulation (to include data storage) is continuing to be refined and enhanced…

And between man’s desire to live forever through artificial means (trans-humanism and singularity) and AI’s ability to solve seemingly unsolvable problems, it will be a Babel-like moment when God will have to step in and intervene, yet again. (“Even the Elect, Part I: Deception,” Pete Garcia, https://rev310.com)

There is coming another like the leader of the rebels of earth at the time of the Tower of Babel. But the neo-Nimrod will have technology far superior to that of the first Nimrod’s time to carry out his regime’s evil. There will be no place on planet earth to hide (except that provided by God Himself) when Antichrist’s technology of control is released upon those alive during the Tribulation.

The current striving of the principalities and powers to replace God will fail miserably. Christ will rule and reign upon a pristine planet that will have been restored to its original glory.

That Babel moment is coming. God will again take total charge as He did then.

And the LORD said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do.  (Genesis 11:6)


  1. Ed Wood says:

    Satan first planted the idea that humans could be “as gods,” knowing the difference between good and evil right at the beginning in Genesis, chapter 3. He’s the one that thought it up in the first place because his plan was to take God’s place. Ever since that idea has brought destruction to individuals, families and entire regimes. Only now has this arrogance advanced to the point where it is easy enough to see that it will soon become universal.

    There will certainly be holdouts. There are those who believe in the Bible and can recognize the danger and not yield to it today, but they are clearly becoming outnumbered.

    When the Antichrist comes, those left behind who come to accept Jesus will be even more rare numerically. I suspect very few will make it alive to the end of the Tribulation because they’ll all have targets on their backs.

    Some of the remaining Israelites will find refuge in the wilderness, probably Petra, where God will protect them. Perhaps some Tribulation Christians will be lucky enough to make it there, but based on what we see in Revelation, most will be executed.

    I think humanity has just about finished building its 21st Century Tower of Babel dedicated to worshiping itself – and that is something God will never allow to be completed.

  2. Janice I Casey says:

    We need encouragement at this time. I appreciate your posts.

  3. Harvey Rosieur says:

    I am horrified to see how quickly the world has changed during my lifetime;
    particularly during the 21st century. Morality has been kicked out the door and those who hold to formerly accepted, sound standards, are scarcely able to voice an opinion. Satan is determined to change everything which God calls good to bad and vice versa. Deception is so strong that people have lost the ability to reason. How like ‘sheep to the slaughter’. The ‘herd’ mentality rules. Governments seem to be particularly affected and I wonder how this comes to be? I cannot believe how most matters even come to be debated in a democratic system, let alone laws changed without discussion.
    We can only watch and pray. There is no platform for the righteous to be heard or recognised any longer. Of course this is a sign of the times and we should be looking up.

  4. Yes Terry man just keeps digging his own demise and are so focused on his own agenda that Satan has them blinded. BUT GOD!!! What a glorious day we His children have to look forward to when Jesus comes for His bride.

  5. Ed Wood says:

    I am in full agreement with what you said here, Terry. Rather than wasting time “prepping” for a long siege down here, we should be getting out the Word whenever the opportunity arises each day.

    Jesus said: “Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day [is] the evil thereof.” [Matthew [6:34]

    With this in mind, I often urge people to read Matthew 24, Luke 21, and Mark 13 for themselves and make up their own minds. I don’t know if anyone ever has as a result, but I’ll keep doing it anyway. Hey, one never knows if the seed he or she planted might just take root.

    Second to that, we should be resisting the growing evil any way we can.
    One of the ways I do this, using this artificially-generated “Covid Crisis” for an example, is with one-on-one conversations pointing out how the CDC isn’t to be trusted, emailing and snail mailing the politicians who continue to ignore me (but I figure someone on their respective staffs have to read my stuff before shredding or deleting it), writing letters to the newspapers who haven’t yet “canceled” me.

    While I’m still here, I do not intend to give up

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