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Are we there yet?

For those of us who have raised children, you might remember the question. There was a commercial, as I recall, that used the question to emphasize one product or the other in a humorous way.

Children in the back seat of the car in the commercial kept asking “Are we there yet?”

We who transported our young kids on those times–especially on longer trips to Grandma’s or other destinations–have heard that question, often in whining tones as time went on during the longer trips. I certainly remember hearing it. And I’m sure my parents heard it on those trips from Pekin, Illinois, where we lived when I was a child, on the road to Hampton, my grandparent’s home in south Arkansas.

At this late moment of the Church Age I, myself, seem to be whining this question, and I’m hearing it from others on a growing basis.

“Are we there yet?”

It is coming from God’s children–believers in Jesus Christ who, like myself, sometimes grow weary,or vexed—as ol’ Lot might have put it while enduring to the end his time in Sodom.

“Are we there yet?” That is, how long before we reach the end of our Lord’s tolerance for the evil flourishing all around us while we keep “looking up,” as my friend, the late J.R. Church, used to put it at the close of his Prophecy In the News TV program each week?

Each and every day–actually, each and every news cycle—we’re inundated with end-times storm warnings. And it seems as if the words of warning from the chief prophetic meteorologist of all history is speaking directly to those who, as commanded by Him—are “watching” in order to discern where this generation stands on God’s prophetic timeline.

Jesus gave the signals to look for as earth’s inhabitants near the outbreak of history’s most virulent turbulence–that of the Tribulation era. The following is that storm warning.

“Are we there yet?” Is that great storm of the ages about to invade at this particular time? Let’s listen again to that Heaven-sent forecast that we can rely on as 100% accurate, because it was issued by God Himself.

And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. All these are the beginning of sorrows. Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name’s sake. And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another. And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many. And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold. But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved. (Matt 24: 6-13)

Heaven’s forecast, of course, covers a broad scope of history, so many parts of this Olivet Discourse prophecy by Jesus apply to much of history that has already unscrolled. Let us very briefly dissect this warning first in terms of its broad, historical sense.

“And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars…”

Hundreds of wars have afflicted humanity since Jesus spoke these words. The greatest wars of all time, World Wars I and II, have caused the deaths of millions. The Romans waged war on the Jews, the Temple was destroyed, and the Jewish people scattered to all the world.

“For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom…”

As a matter of fact, it has been the ethnic disputes and warfare that have wrought the deaths of millions across the world.

“And there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places…”

Earthquakes have continued to rumble throughout history, while the wars have brought famine and disease to countless generations. We have seen lately in our brief time on the planet lately a tremendous increase in these things.

“All these are the beginning of sorrows…”

These great troubles have been accumulative, indeed been like birth pangs, growing more intense and coming in greater frequency.

Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name’s sake.”

The history of hatred of the Jews is in full view of the eyes of the world. The Nazi Holocaust is the number-one sign of history that highlights the satanic hatred God’s chosen people have endured. Their rejection of the very name of Jesus Christ and their being blamed for His crucifixion have been the basis Satan has used to incite the world against Israel.

So history has proven the absolute accuracy of Jesus’ forecast. But it is the question ”Are we there yet?” I wish to address with regard to whether this generation has reached the moment when the Lord will say “enough is enough” and call believers to Himself so the greatest storm of all history can rage upon a world ripe for judgment.

We must place the same template over what is going on at this very moment to try to help answer: “Are we there yet?”

“And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars…”

The most profound threat of nuclear conflict might now be in the offing. Even the Cold War could not match the danger. Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD) was effective, as the world’s two greatest superpowers were able to control escalation into man’s final war.

Not so now. There seems no control, as the power centers with the nuclear weapons are scattered around the globe and many decision-makers among the most diabolical of their leaders seem bent on having their way, regardless of possible ramifications of all-out nuclear war.

The primary cause of the conflict again centers around ethnic differences and demands. Greatest among these conflicts is the hatred of the Jews and of Israel by their neighboring countries.

And that hatred has expanded to include many within nations of Europe and even the United States of America.

The seas and waves of peoples are roaring, in that the protests against the Jews and Israel are front and center in even what is generally considered the civilized west.

At this very moment, even some among the Jewish people themselves are shouting along with the Israel-haters, “Stop the genocide” and From the river to the sea.”

As Jesus forewarned, these Jews on the politically ideological left are “betraying one another.” The genocidal rage is building swiftly toward another holocaust. Jesus also had a forecast about this evil that will mark the very end of the age.

“For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be” (Matthew 24:21).

And hatred is building, too, against the Church–all believers in Jesus Christ and His message of being the one and only way to salvation (John 14: 6).

The comment by a legal defense fund for Christian persecution states the following:

Biden is empowering the radical Left to wage a surreptitious war on our Christian faith – prayer, churches, the Bible, and even Christian kids sharing their faith in school are all under attack. The Biden FBI has even placed spies in churches and targeted “radical traditionalist” Christians for investigation…

We’re in court right now defending a teacher who was banned from praying anywhere a student might see her.

I’ve never seen anything like it. (Jordan Seckulow, ACLJ Executive Director)

While unbelieving Jews must undergo the Tribulation storm to bring forth a remnant that will bring about God’s great promise to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, believers of this Church Age (Age of Grace) will be taken (paralambano) to be with Jesus in the clouds of Glory–in the Rapture. All indicators are that we have come to be right smack in the breaking turbulence of Jesus’ forecast of the end-times storm.

And this is why I believe we can answer with a resounding “YES!” the question: “Are we there yet?”



  1. standingontruth27 says:

    The evil that I am witnessing, is something that I never dreamed of seeing….This age of grace is about over……I pray every day for Gods protection; and for people to be saved…..YES, we’re about to go home!!!….Thank you Terry….Maranatha!

  2. Ed Wood says:

    I will be 73 years old later this year so I hope this will give me some credibility when I say that I have seen this nation begin to descend into the abyss from 1963 on. It seems that it went “pedal to the metal” at the turn of this century and from 2020 on someone pulled the nitrous oxide lever and kicked up the rate pegging the speedometer.

    Right now we have to face another “Perversion Month” of June in America and this mirrors the days of Lot more now than at any time in history. That even kids are now being subjected to this along with the “gender dysphoria” idiocy makes believe God will soon step in because things are so evil and out of control that no other remedy is left.

    By the way, concerning the Feds planting spies in churches? No surprise. I only hope they are intercepting my personal emails or my various letters to the editors so they know exactly where I stand. I am sure they know where I live – so stop on by!

  3. Ed Wood says:

    “Right now we have to face another “Perversion Month” of June in America and this mirrors the days of Lot more now than at any time in history. That even kids are now being subjected to this along with the “gender dysphoria” idiocy makes ME believe God will soon step in because things are so evil and out of control that no other remedy is left.”

    Please note “ME” correction inserted in the above.

    • robinlinaz says:

      When wondering if I might be digging myself into a giant hole because of the trail of Christian comments and positions I advocate for, I remind myself that should anyone ever accuse me of being a Christian, I pray there is a mountain of evidence to convict me.

      I also pray that since Jesus said His return would happen when the world is like the Days of Noah and Lot, I am hopeful that this is the month He might snatch us home. No days are more like those days than the 30 days of ‘pride’ we are subjected to each June.

      • Ed Wood says:

        I really like your first paragraph. Maybe we’ll get locked up in the same joint! After all, if even a Supreme Court justice can’t tell you the difference between a man or woman, no reason the feds can’t put us in adjoining cells, right?

        I certainly agree that this month really would be an appropriate time to be rescued out of here and, though I don’t date-set, I can’t see us being around much past 2025.

        I suspect that President Trump won’t make it back to the White House, much as I would like him to. His enemies will just never allow it. They may gimmick the election like last time, run more kangaroo court cases up against him, or who knows what? I put absolutely nothing above these satanic minions.

        Of course, if Mr. Trump does get elected, best it will do is give us a brief pause, like last time, because no man can change the ultimate course of history. It has to play out as the Bible revealed.

        Jesus is the only answer for us and it I expect that we will see him face to face very shortly.

        Can’t be soon enough for me!

      • robinlinaz says:

        Agree with all you’ve said Ed. Since Nov 4 2020, I knew they couldn’t allow Trump to hold office again. If he does retake office by some divine action, it would be the perfect time for the world to collectively heave a sigh of relief and declare ‘peace and safety’. I don’t know what will happen but none of it is good for earth-dwellers.

        We are in the Last Days. That I know for certain because Jesus Himself told us what would happen, and it is unfolding before our eyes. He alone is Truth, and the source of all truth.


      • Ed Wood says:

        Thanks, Robin.

        Because we are familiar with what the Bible teaches and, I believe, there is also that prompting of the Holy Spirit dwelling within each of us, and every believer, we are being shown that our departure time is really close now.

        I am certainly ready and I know you are, too.

    • gbowman382 says:

      Amen Brother Ed. We’ve talked many times before. I say whatever I want now whenever I post, including Utube. I don’t comment much anymore. I get angry (vexed) by what I see and feel compelled to vent on a personal level when verbally insulted. That’s not a fruit of the Spirit. I still have lots of maturing to do in that regard. Hate the sin not the sinner, love everyone, and pray for ALL fallen mankind, conceived in sin in the womb, at enmity with God and in need of a Savior. Some people make me absolutely foam at the mouth with their life and opinions. I grieve the Holy Spirit too and I’m forgiven because God loved me first, as He does ALL. Christians must do the same and forgive wrongs by others. Jesus will meet out perfect justice to believers and nonbelievers. No one else. God Bless You and Terry James for what you do. Brother Glenn

      PS: Brother robinlinaz, I loved your comment sir. I don’t believe we’ve ever exchanged comments.

      • robinlinaz says:

        Thank you Brother Glenn, and I am actually a sister. My comments come across on the masculine side (some of us are Deborahs, not Esthers-haha) so I don’t take any offence.

        Same as you, I frequently get upset when I read ignorant, divisive, or mocking comments and find it is best to remain silent, if possible. Sometimes it is easier than others. It helps when I remind myself that when we are slandered, it is all to our credit and the Lord’s glory.

        I’m not even close to as good as I’d like to be, on every front, but I’m better than I was when I was first saved ;). Thank you Lord for any sanctification you work in me, it proves that one day full glorification will come!

      • Ed Wood says:

        Thanks very much for your kind words, gbowman382.

        I, too, have a certain volatile nature. Though I have mellowed a tad over the decades, it is still there. There are plenty of other faults, to be sure. No sense sugar-coating it, so I will tell you it was a good thing I came to believe in Jesus at the age of 6 or there is no telling how bad a dude I would have become.

        Even though I am well into what I call “geezerdom” I am admittedly only at the beginning of my Christian walk. Thank God Jesus took the hit to spare me from the trip to hell I otherwise deserve!

        When it comes to forgiving others, my own opinion likely is not shared by some Christians. From my point of view, repentance must come first. based on my understanding of the Bible – unless the offense comes out of ignorance.

        Under the Mosaic system, there was a clear distinction between unintentional and deliberate sin, as found here:

        Luke {12:47} And that servant, which knew his lord’s will, and prepared not [himself,] neither did according to his will, shall be beaten with many [stripes.]{12:48} But he that knew not, and did commit things worthy of stripes, shall be beaten with few [stripes.] For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required: and to whom men have committed much, of him they will ask the more. {15:30} But the soul that doeth [ought] presumptuously, [whether he be] born in the land, or a stranger, the same reproacheth the LORD; and that soul shall be cut off from among his people. {15:31} Because he hath despised the word of the LORD, and hath broken his commandment, that soul shall utterly be cut off; his iniquity [shall be] upon him.

        This is principle is echoed by Jesus:

        Luke {12:47} And that servant, which knew his lord’s will, and prepared not [himself,] neither did according to his will, shall be beaten with many [stripes.]{12:48} But he that knew not, and did commit things worthy of stripes, shall be beaten with few [stripes.] For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required: and to whom men have committed much, of him they will ask the more.

        Luke {23:34} Then said Jesus, Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do. And they parted his raiment, and cast lots.

        I personally am fortunate in that I have the capacity to forgive someone who owns up to something they did against me and wants to make it right. If they never do, they are out of my life, period.

        In my view, a “blanket forgiveness” given to an unrepentant person excuses the bad thing they did. Bottom line: It gives evil free pass , something God himself doesn’t do because sin is a progressive thing leading to death if allowed to continue unacknowledged and checked.

        James {1:14} But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed. {1:15} Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death.

        So, my friend, we all fall short of the goal. God knew it and provided, at great cost to himself, the only way we can be saved – Jesus Christ! However, we must admit our inability to ever measure up and ask for his free gift of salvation which none of us can achieve on our own first.

        God bless!

  4. jpscanga says:

    Hi guys! Great thoughts above! I agree with these sentiments, especially with your observations about the pace of the advance of evil and immorality. I have noticed that it is not simply accelerating, but wickedness and evil is accelerating at an accelerating pace. It’s not just free-fall, it’s like applying full-throttle and pointing the nose of the jet plane straight at the ground, and then firing after burners!

    For the last couple of years, I have been thinking of writing an essay, or perhaps a series of essays regarding this phenomenon. I intend to give it the title, “The Immoral Singularity”. The reference to a Singularity implies that in the realm of the spiritual, like the realm of astrophysics, an event horizon exists which, once crossed, cannot be escaped. I believe that we have crossed this spiritual event horizon, and nothing can stop our descent into the abyss (The Immoral Singularity) except Christ alone.

    • Ed Wood says:

      Totally agree with you, J.

      I like your event horizon analogy because we certainly are at the point of no return right now. These times would probably make even Noah and Lot blush.

      Now we have to endure another disgraceful Pride Month. Even much of organized religion goes along with this abomination.

      That even kids are being groomed into this perversion and physically mutilated in the name of this “gender identity” lunacy shows how wicked this world has become and the only question is not if God will intervene, but when.

      I would think he will not hold back much longer.

  5. James says:

    Im not convinced that any particular pre tribulation “sign” can accurately determine the time of the end beyond perhaps in a general way. I believe the only way is to consider the millenial week along with Hosea 6:2 and perhaps the fig tree generation. These all suggest the end of the tribulation in the 2030s. The war and pressure for a peace deal in Israel only strengthens this argument. So yes, we likely don’t have much time.

    • Ed Wood says:

      Here is what Jesus said:

      Matthew {24:36} But of that day and hour knoweth no [man,] no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.

      This means that you are right when you say we can’t know the exact date of the Rapture or when the Trib will begin.

      What we do know precisely is that seven years after the Trib starts, Jesus will come back.

      But Jesus gave us the signs and also said this:

      Luke {21:31} So likewise ye, when ye see these things come to pass, know ye that the
      kingdom of God is nigh at hand. {21:32} Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass away, till all be fulfilled.

      I would say we are that very generation.

      So . . . keep looking up!

  6. Jeff Hutchison says:

    So Good.

  7. gbowman382 says:

    As usual, well said Brother Ed. Wow, what a trip to get where I am now theologically. I remember that when I read erroneous comments by professing believers. I’m 77. I’m finally at peace about my salvation. I doubted it for 40+ years. LQQKUP. OUR REDEMPTION DRAWETH NIGH.

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