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Armageddon Architects

With growing worldwide pressure surrounding God’s chosen nation in news reports hourly, the word picture drawn by the prophet Joel comes ever-clearer into focus:

For, behold, in those days, and in that time, when I shall bring again the captivity of Judah and Jerusalem, I will also gather all nations, and will bring them down into the valley of Jehoshaphat, and will plead with them there for my people and for my heritage Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations, and parted my land. (Joel 3:1–2)

This indictment by the God of Heaven, when dissected, is against the entire world of nations. The history of the Jews and the diasporas they suffered is well documented. This hatred poured out on the Jewish people is inexplicable…apart from Jesus’ Words:

All these are the beginning of sorrows. Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name’s sake. And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another. (Matthew 24:8–10)

The world of nations, used by Satan to assault God’s chosen people with his hatred, have, throughout history, driven the Jewish people out of the land God promised Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob forever. They have scattered and divided God’s land of promise to the four winds of the earth. They have divided that land, just as the prophet Joel said.

For this reason, God will bring all nations of earth to the Valley of Jehoshaphat—that is, to the killing field of Jezreel or Armageddon.

The modern-day leaders of the nations hostile to Israel are carrying out Joel’s prophecy. They are the “Armageddon architects.”

The exponential ramping-up of hatred of Israel on a global scale–even among Western nations—is a sure signal of where this generation stands on God’s prophetic timeline. One recent report of such anger against the Jewish State–disguised as wanting only to secure peace for Israel and its Israel-hating neighbors—makes the point that God’s judgment as given in Joel 3:1–2 can’t be far off.

Spain’s socialist Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez led a group of European states in recognizing Palestine as a state on Tuesday, saying the move was a step towards focusing “all our efforts to implement a two-state solution and make it a reality.”

Spain, Norway, and Ireland recognized Palestine as a state on Tuesday, making official by writ the announcement made by the group last week. The Prime Minister of Spain, Pedro Sánchez, was the first among the group to move on the morning, claiming his position was that giving Palestine international recognition would “help Israelis and Palestinians achieve peace.”

He said Palestine includes “West Bank and Gaza connected by a corridor,” and has its capital and “legitimate government of the Palestine National Authority” in East Jerusalem…

Israel responded, saying the group is “rewarding terrorism” by giving Palestine the veneer of legitimacy around the world so soon after the October 7th terrorist attacks. Foreign Minister Israel Katz said in a message addressed to Sánchez: “You are complicit in inciting the Jewish genocide and war crimes”…

Speaking in Madrid on Tuesday, Sánchez defended the outrage-provoking move by insisting he was working for peace. Further, he said, asserting Palestine is a state puts Spain in a club with “more than 140 countries that already recognize Palestine” worldwide. (“Spain, Norway, Ireland Formally Recognise Palestinian Statehood,” by Oliver JJ Lane, Breitbart News Network)

But God is not mocked, nor is He fooled. The nations of the world are led in this genocidal madness by the god of this world—Lucifer.

There is only one remedy for such hatred and rebellion: Joel says God will deal with the Israel-haters and all other anti-God forces on the plain of Megiddo, which Napoleon called the greatest natural battlefield on earth.

The rebellious globalist architects who want to build a world apart from God’s governance will lose this battle instantly, when the returning King of all kings simply speaks the Word with the all-powerful sword of His mouth. Again, I believe those words will be the same He spoke that calmed the storm on the Sea of Galilee those millennia ago: “Peace, be still.”


  1. robinlinaz says:

    Even though we know it must happen because it was foretold, it is sickening to witness the world turn against Israel. It is especially difficult to see our own government betray her (although, based on the polls, the majority of American people are still supporting Israel.) It is especially maddening to see Hamas (Satan) being rewarded for the terrible evil they are committing against Israel. It should be infuriating to anyone who loves justice! That there is any debate reveals the true source of this war. Satan loves war, especially war against the Jews.

    None of us knows God’s timing, but when Damascus is destroyed, if it isn’t by ‘natural’ (God initiated) causes like an earthquake, even the support from the people of our nation will all but evaporate. People are woefully ignorant of the Bible, and have no fear of God, nor possess context within which to place what is underway. They move to and fro based on their perceptions and emotions instead of understanding His plan. Therefore they react without knowledge, because in our times, feelings trump facts. Emotion is truth, not God’s word.

    Add to that the propaganda feed to us hourly by the media, and it’s easy to see why people are extremely vulnerable to deception. Most will fall for the ‘Great Deception’ God sends when we are gone, and without the Restrainer, it’s obvious why so many will follow the AC.

    Desperate people do desperate things, and sin makes unredeemed people stupid. (I know, because I was one of them and can’t believe many of the choices I made when I was lost.) Add to this the increasing instability of the world and the spreading evil and poor Israel…only God could possibly save her. And hallelujah, He will.

    • Ed Wood says:

      It is my observation that a lot, perhaps most, people are essentially lazy or just plain apathetic. It is easier to just go along, not make waves, and have others make decisions for them without bothering to investigate whether or not they should comply.

      Just look at the “church” today. The apostate Episcopal Church, of which I was a member almost 20 years ago, now has a rainbow shield as a symbol for what I call “Perversion Month.” Back in 2003, its Triennial Convention gave the nod to ordaining a practicing homosexual as bishop of New Hampshire and most of its members went along with it, clergy and laypeople both, in the years that followed.

      Apparently, the seminaries did a horrible job teaching their prospective clergy about the contents and authority of the Bible, this lack being replicated in the parishes and dioceses where these graduates finally ended up behind the pulpits.

      Without a solid scriptural background which those of us who revere and trust the Bible have, we have a case where church members are as clueless to all the signs of the End Times as those with only a secular background – which explains why the world has ended up in the mess it is in now – and which will only get worse.

      God gave the warnings over thousands of years, knowing that most would either never hear them or ignore them if they did. It must have caused him great sadness, but his consolation would be that a small remnant WOULD listen and believe.

      During the Tribulation they will have one last chance – and it will indeed be their very LAST CHANCE!

      No one can say that they weren’t warned!

      • robinlinaz says:

        You are so right Ed. And what adds to the falling away is that most parents aren’t teaching their children the Bible because they aren’t Believers themselves…let alone that small group who profess to be Christians.

        I can’t throw stones, I was saved so late in my life that I didn’t train up my daughter in faith. Since I was born again 6.5 years ago, I’ve done all I know to do to influence her and my sweet granddaughter, who is now 15, but I bear full responsibility for failing them. It is my greatest regret and I recognize my contribution to the state of things now.

        All of this is part of God’s plan to bring an end to sin, it is not a surprise to Him. Still, I believe we have approximately 20 million true Believers in the USA. Their theology many be a bit off (and I’m not including apostate church goers of the Episcopal and other denominations, nor Mormons, Jehovah’s Witnesses etc.) but they are saved and worship Jesus in Spirit and Truth. I base this number on the most recent Barna Survey that shows about 8% of Americans who claim to be Believers in the USA (surprisingly about 90% of Americans claim to be Christians, and we KNOW that ain’t true) and actually hold a Biblical worldview, adhering to the foundations of the faith.

        That’s why 20 million people gone in the Rapture (330M x .90=297M x .08=23.7M), plus about 30+million children under the age of accountability which is only known by the Lord, is going to gut this nation. We have earned our judgment, that is undeniable.

        I witnessed to someone this morning, he is young, and I pray he finds saving faith. Last week I witnessed to another man, Chris, who is 50 and looked at me like I had 3 heads, LOL! I’m just the messenger, the Holy Spirit is the One who raises the living and the dead to eternal life. Please add Aaron and Chris to your prayers today, I’d love for them to go with us in the Rapture.

      • Ed Wood says:

        Will do, concerning Aaron and Chris.

        Try not to be too harsh on yourself for not being able to witness to your daughter and granddaughter sooner. You only were saved in the last 6 1/2 years, but the fact that you still were means that anyone can be saved at any point in their lives. This means it can still happen for them and you now shine a light on the right path for all you witness to. Like any of us, each person decides whether or not to follow it.

        Remember, too, that the repentant thief didn’t come to accept Jesus until his last hours. Therefore, he never had a chance to share his knowledge with anyone else, but was still saved all the same (Luke 23:39-43).

        As a further encouragement, look at Paul. If his birth year was A.D. 5, and he had his Damascus experience circa A.D. 33, he would have been in his late twenties. So, he wasn’t a believer from his youth, quite the opposite, but look at the tremendous effect his ministry had in the decades that followed.

        I came to believe when I was 6 but I still slid into alcoholism so I sure didn’t set a good example during those lost years. I suspect it is more important as to where we are now rather than where we once were.

        In one way or another, we all are part, and one way or another, contributors to the state of this world – even the best of us. Whereas we feel bad about it, there are those actively pushing the world over the edge and enjoying doing it. The self-righteous Pharisee was still lost while the repentant tax collector was saved (Luke 18:10-14).

        Therein lies the big difference between those of this world and those of the world to come.

        God bless!

      • robinlinaz says:

        Thank you for the encouraging words Ed. We all must continue to pray for our loved ones to our last breath. God works His will through the prayers of the righteous, and by our examples, some may be saved.

        Looking forward to having dinner with you in Heaven :). Blessings my friend!

      • Ed Wood says:

        I wonder if pepperoni pizza will be on the menu?

  2. jodyel says:

    What sickens me is that so-called Christians revile the Jews. Just had a Facebook friend, who I thought was a true believer, tell me the Jews were evil and he cared nothing about their war. Wow! Turns out he is an Orthodox Christian and reviles me as an evangelical just as much. Said everything I believe in was heresy and a lie and that the Orthodox church is the only true church. Same thing I’ve heard from Roman Catholics. This kid is 26 and says he is born again. I don’t think so. Never ceases to amaze me the amount of spiritually blind people on this planet including the ones who think they have it all figured out. Perhaps the tribulation will teach them a lesson they will never forget. God help us and Israel.

    • Ed Wood says:

      Hi, Jody.

      Here are the members of the REAL church, according to Paul:

      Romans {10:9} That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt
      believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. {10:10} For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession
      is made unto salvation.

      I got into it one time decades years ago with a Roman Catholic man who believed his church was the only “true one” and he got really nasty about it when I challenged this idea and pointed out some of the false Catholic teachings. I told him that I had better things to do than waste my time on someone who refused to face the facts.

      I walked away from the Episcopal Church after having go-arounds with some of its left-wing bishops and clergy who thought homosexual behavior was okay. I subsequently left another church I’d joined afterwards following a very unpleasant exchange with its pastor who “grab bagged” the Bible and considered Paul’s epistles are only “commentary” along with some antisemitic comments that would pop up from time to time did it for me.

      This was almost 20 years ago and, after that, I have never gone back to “organized religion.”

      What we’ve experienced is nothing less the self-righteous attitudes of the “religious experts” that Jesus confronted back in his time. These “whitewashed tombs” are the ones with which he had the greatest controversies. The Great Sanhedrin consisted of 70 members plus the high priest and only two of these “experts” got it right about Jesus.

      The expression that walking into a church building does NOT make one a Christian any more than going into a garage makes you a car pretty much sums it up for me!

      • jodyel says:

        There are so many of these types around. I don’t attend any church service since I am home bound. I tend to take people at their word when they say they are a Christian. But I am discovering more and more than many are anything but a true Christ follower. Never fails to disappoint and makes me very sad. Most everyone around me is anything but these days. Makes me feel isolated. But God has a reason for it. I just keep on keeping on doing what He has instructed me to do and leave these to Him. Thanks!

      • Ed Wood says:

        You are welcome.

        I am sorry to hear you are home bound, however, the day is soon coming when you will not be so. You will take flight and meet Jesus in the clouds!

        President Reagan once said, “Trust, but verify.” This is my approach to people. I give them the benefit of the doubt, but I keep my eyes open. I have been stiffed far too many times over the years by people I thought I could trust. The way things are these days, a little paranoia has become a definite survival skill for me.

        Jesus said you would know a tree by its fruit. We all know that works don’t save anyone, but seeing what kind of works someone produces can show us if they are the “real deal.” I also think the Holy Spirit can give us insight as well.

        You are doing exactly what you should and leaving the rest to God is great advice! We’ll be headed out of here any time now!

      • jodyel says:

        Thanks. Ed!


    • Ed Wood says:

      You are WELCOME, Jody!

  3. rodneydezarn says:

    The “Last Days” concerning Israel, does not identify a victorious Israel militarily yet on the contrary records the necessity of direct intervention by the Lord God. The Prophet Isaiah records an ominous reduction in population for Israel in Isaiah 17:4.

    “And in that day it shall come to pass, that the glory of Jacob shall be made thin, and the fatness of his flesh shall wax lean”.

    The glory of Jacob (Israel) was always in their numbers as a sign of blessing and promise. This devastation coincides with the destruction of Damascus and surrounding cities rivaling that of the cities of the Plain (Sodom and Gomorrah).

    It is clear from the text that this destruction is by the hand of God for His Glory as we examine Isaiah 17:7.

    “At that day shall a man look to his Maker, and his eyes shall have respect to the Holy One of Israel”.

    We as students of Bible Prophecy, are also very much aware of God’s direct intervention against the forces of Gog/Magog gathered by His own hand against His people Israel to bring Glory to His Holy Name.

    Knowing these things, we can expect the situation for Israel to get significantly worse yet I believe this is for a reason. I believe the Lord God is calling Israel to repentance and to seek His face, to turn from trusting in the work of their own hands and recognize where their true security lies.

    Knowing the stubbornness of Israel, this will be another battle for the Lord. In the end however, the victory will belong to the Lord God as is declared by the Prophet Ezekiel.

    “So the house of Israel shall know that I am the Lord their God from that day and forward”. Ezekiel 39:22.

    In Christ with love,

    Rodney Dezarn

  4. rodneydezarn says:

    The terrible attrocities committed on October 7th has a direct link with the “Land for Peace” initiatives brokered by the United States. These initiatives only served to compromise Israel’s security and is nothing more than a repackaged “Final Solution” orchestrated by Adolph Hitler.

    The sad reality is that Israel in their desire for peace numerous times have sought to divide the inheritance of Jacob to their enemies. In a sense, Israel was trampling on the covenant established with them and God. The consequences Israel now suffers has a direct link with their ongoing rebellion against the very God that had chosen them.

    We as believers are fully aware of the truth concerning God’s fury against those seeking to divide His Land. Do we then believe that Israel is an exception to this fury?

    There are many in our circle today that invoke Genesis 12:3 as a Christian duty to Bless Israel yet my question is, how do you bless a people in rebellion against God? To fully understand Genesis 12:3, you must also include Galatians 3 which identifies to whom these blessing are truly designated.

    Know ye therefore that they which are of faith, the same are the children of Abraham. And the scripture, foreseeing that God would justify the heathen through faith, preached before the gospel unto Abraham, saying, In thee shall all nations be blessed. So then they which be of faith are blessed with faithful Abraham. For as many as are of the works of the law are under the curse: for it is written, Cursed is every one that continueth not in all things which are written in the book of the law to do them. But that no man is justified by the law in the sight of God, it is evident: for, The just shall live by faith. Galatians 3:7-11.

    The promises of blessing are to the Seed of Faith and yet the Lord God will redeem a remnant from the House of Israel. Jews and Gentiles united in one seed by faith in Christ. These blessings are to all that call upon the name of the Lord. The curses are to all that reject such great a salvation.

    In Christ our Lord,

    Rodney Dezarn

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