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The Church Age Is Winding Down—And The World Is Running Out Of Time :: By Jan Markell

Time flies. Years race by. But, 2024 has been a stunner in many ways. And many events remind me that the world is running out of time before the last act of a major drama plays out. In other words, the Church Age is winding down.

Let me highlight ten events from this current year that have convinced me of this.

1) Israel is alone. After she was brutally attacked in October of 2023, one would have thought the world would rally to her side. Not so! Not even America is now her ally. The U.S. is withholding weapons and intelligence.

The International Criminal Court wanted to arrest Benjamin Netanyahu in May just for defending his country. The European Union, the United Nations, the World Economic Forum, and the International Court of Justice, have all denounced the Jewish state just for wanting to wipe out Hamas thugs. Zechariah 12:3 is in play. She is isolated and is the world’s burdensome stone.

2) The spirit of the Antichrist has been loosed on the earth. The headquarters appear to be America. We tell the world how to tear apart college campuses and how corrupt government should work. We even embarrass banana republics by trying to jail former presidents in a style that natives in the rain forest couldn’t dream up.

3) There is a new level of calling evil good and good evil (Isaiah 5:20). Hamas is celebrated around the world! Christians are persecuted like never before. Islam is glorified, particularly on college campuses. Those who protest abortions are jailed. The White House and U.N. mourned the death of Iran’s President Raisi on May 19, the “Butcher of Tehran.”

4) The world is leaderless. There is not one global leader to whom the world looks. Governments everywhere operate like the Keystone Kops. World War III could easily erupt as a result. The world is unsure of just who is running the White House. The stage is being set for a Mr. Fix-It, whom the world will celebrate. They just want stability and someone in charge to enforce peace and security.

5) There is a rush to global government. And strangely, unusual power is being given to the corrupt World Health Organization, who could end up being the leader of the world. They met in May and could use another pandemic to unite the world. The stage was set with Covid. They have targeted 2025 as a possible timeline.

6) Artificial intelligence is being refined to rule the world. The goal is that it will be smarter than mankind. And the Antichrist will need this system to run his global kingdom. Even now, Microsoft CoPilot AI demands to be worshipped. Technology has gone too far. The inanimate is god-like.

7) The aberrant is celebrated as normal and should be the world standard. In the predicted end-time decline of man’s character, we are watching the homosexual and trans movement be hailed, and the lovers of biblical values be persecuted and jailed. The sanctity of life is scoffed at. As predicted, mankind lives for money and power at the expense of everyone and anyone.

8) Too many churches are majoring in minors and furthering unsound doctrine. There are wolves among the flock. Church members hear about their best life now; about being purpose-driven and about attracting “seekers” to church. Sin is avoided. Eschatology (Bible prophecy) is scoffed at and marginalized. Pulpits are “woke”.

Movements such as the New Apostolic Reformation are ravaging naive, experience driven young people and indoctrinating millions of people. End-time apostasy is the new normal in the church.

9) A new way of doing business is waiting in the wings. It will be cashless. It will be crypto. It will be blockchain so that it tracks your every purchase. It could be in play very soon, though power brokers may delay it until after our November election. Life with central bank digital currency (CBDC) will cause life as we know it to dramatically change! It will be at the heart of the Beast system, but many think it will be implemented sooner.

10) The violence of the Days of Noah is upon us. Criminal prosecutions are soaring—in some areas by 5,000%. Cities are ravaged by crime. Entire towns are closing down a business district due to theft and lawlessness. Society is on the move, re-locating to safe cities and states, just to lead a more normal life, away from the mayhem. It is as though the entire country is the wild west of the 1880s!

I could list 110 markers to watch throughout the balance of 2024, but articles must be short and to the point. I have been watching the so-called signs of the times for a few decades. Nothing compares to the last five to ten years. Events have been stunning and game-changing.

If it helps neutralize the bad news, these things are happening because the stage is being set for the closing act of a global drama. A trumpet will soon sound and the Church will escape this scenario to enjoy the wonder of Heaven. But every reader will leave someone behind who will have to cope with trial and turmoil.

That is why sharing the gospel should be the first order of business when it comes to being about our Father’s business!

Book Review God’s Plan for Heaven, Eternity…Explained :: By David Cogburn

CogburnGod’s Plan for Heaven, Eternity, & the Universe Explained – Conversational Style

Book review by Terry James

Dave’s book is not a new title, but it is new in the sense that it presents greatly expanded Bible truth and helps for Christian living from the original volume. My endorsement for that first edition reads as follows.

Dave Cogburn’s book, God’s Plan for Heaven, Eternity, & the Universe Explained, is a volume I believe is most timely.

By that I mean that this generation, faced by challenges of every sort, from cultural confusion to technological temptations, needs to be turned back toward God’s prescription for living life as it should be lived.

The author has spoken in simple, entertaining style, yet in firm terminology that gives wise direction to the young in particular. But it is a book for all who want to understand how to have an intimate, personal relationship with God now and forever.

I give it a thumbs-up in every sense.

This just-released edition warrants even more effusive praise. I’m most pleased to give it great applause –and recommend it highly to you, the reader.

The title of this book, God’s Plan for Heaven, Eternity, & the Universe Explained – Conversational Style is exactly that. This book, in its new format, summarizes God’s plan in an easy-to-read manner (a relaxed, conversational style) and will help you understand it from the beginning of creation to when the human race is over and everyone is living in eternity with God or separated from God. It reduces God’s plan for humankind from a one-year Bible reading plan to a three-to-four-hour “enlightening” reading plan.

The only thing that truly matters for every human being is eternity, and all of God’s plan is about how to know Him and spend it with Him.

I find Dave’s book superbly unique. It is written for everyone, from people with no Bible knowledge to those with some Bible knowledge—and even biblical scholars will learn things most have never considered before, such as why God created the universe.

Dave Cogburn says there is a definitive reason with which he has never seen anyone disagree. And he goes on to make his case in fine fashion. He says also that most people are aware of what the Rapture is but are unaware of the hidden “STORY” behind it. This story alone, he says, is God’s masterpiece on how His whole plan for humankind will unfold. It is, he declares further, the most awe-inspiring story in the Bible, which culminates with God’s greatest miraculous event in human history. It is, Dave says, “time” for Christianity, and even the world, to marvel at its revelation.

The author also shows the piece de resistance biblical truth most of Christianity “stays away from.”

He relates that God created human beings perfect, but knowing we would sin against Him from the very beginning and be born with a sin nature is the greatest thing God has ever done or will ever do in all of eternity. At the end, the author lets you, the reader, prove that great truth!

This book will help you understand not only what God has done in His plan, but, more importantly, why He has done it that way. It answers life’s most important questions, such as: Why are we here? What is the purpose of life? Why did God create us in the first place? What is the real meaning of being created in God’s image?” It is the “secret” to everything in God’s plan.

Many of you suspect we are living in the end times just before the Rapture, followed by the Tribulation and Jesus’ Second Coming. Dave Cogburn shows why it is our generation that should experience that return, and how close we are to it.

The author looks deeply into God’s plan for His domain in Heaven, eternity, and the universe and finds that it consists of a lot more than the obvious. He presents that Heaven has a transitional destiny many people aren’t aware of. Eternity, he says, is a lot more than most people think. Its revelation makes manifest how you will never look at sin in the same way again. Understanding why God created the universe and how He uses it in His plan helps bring a new perspective to its existence.

Dave hopes to help the reader learn how these three areas of God’s domain are a paradigm shift.

Today, we live in a society that seeks instant gratification, instant information, and instant knowledge. Prepare your eyes, your mind, and possibly even your heart to experience God’s biblical truth in a way that “embraces” that expectation.

This book is a short journey filled with wondrous biblical intrigue that can ignite a new understanding and enthusiasm to learn what God’s plan is all about. Welcome to God’s Plan for Heaven, Eternity, & the Universe Explained – Conversational Style.

I still give it a thumbs-up in every sense. No. Make that two thumbs up!

God’s Plan for Heaven, Eternity, & the Universe Explained – Conversational Style

Author: Dave Cogburn

Order here: AMAZON

Terry’s Appeal for Reaching Souls in Pakistan!

I am again appealing to all who wish to join in the effort to once again support our effort to reach the people of Pakistan with the Gospel and with the Prophetic Word.

We are seeking to reprint in Pakistan my Quarterly size book Prophecy Power: Strength From God to Face Your Future.

Rev. Anil Jasper, a full-time minister in his country, has translated the book into his native tongue. The result has been successful beyond all my expectations. Perhaps I need greater faith so as not to be surprised at God’s working so powerfully in that land.

Our effort last year, thanks to your loving generosity for those people, has reached many souls with God’s Message that Jesus, Alone, can Save them from sin and reconcile them with God the Father.

Brother Anil Jasper has reported the ongoing success because of your caring in the name of our Lord.

Now, we want to continue to reprint the books so that even greater numbers can be reached as Anil and his team preach and distribute Prophecy Power. This little book is one that really touches those who can read it in their own language. Jesus is lifted up, and God is Glorified!

All signs point to the any Moment Call of Jesus to His Church. We want to be working diligently when He Calls so we will hear the Lord Say: “Well done, good, faithful servants!”

My prayer is that great will be Heavenly Rewards for each who joins in this Christ-centered, end-of-the-age effort. –Terry James

To contribute to the reprinting of Prophecy Power, please send your checks to the address below.

Sorry, but because of my being blind and the complexity of online ordering, etc., I haven’t the ability to take credit cards or Pay Pal or other such electronic monetary ways of funding. Please make checks payable to me, Terry James, and list them on the bottom line of your check to The Pakistan Ministry Book fund.

Please send to the following address:

Attention: Terry James
Rapture Ready
P.O. Box 969
Benton, AR, 72018

Please be aware: I don’t have 501c status, so contributions aren’t tax-deductible in that sense.

This recent letter is from Anil to all who were so generous in funding last year’s printing in the Urdu language.

Dear Brother Terry James,

How are you, your family, and your ministry? We pray for God’s miraculous intervention to reprint Prophecy Power to meet the needs of future distribution. On behalf of our Christians in Pakistan, I wanted to take a moment to express our heartfelt gratitude for you and the contributors’ unwavering support in printing and distributing Prophecy Power.

Your commitment to this endeavor has been truly invaluable, and we cannot overstate the impact your generosity has made on the lives of countless individuals across Pakistan. Through the distribution of Prophecy Power, we have witnessed firsthand the transformative power of God’s Word and the hope it will prepare uncountable souls for the Rapture of the Church.

Your continued support has not only enabled us to print and distribute Prophecy Power but has also allowed us to expand our reach and touch even more hearts with the message of our Blessed Hope. We are deeply grateful for your partnership in this ministry, and we are continually uplifted by your dedication to spreading the Gospel message.

As we look ahead to future distribution and printing endeavors, we are filled with hope and anticipation for what the Lord will accomplish through our collective efforts. Please know that your generosity is making a tangible difference in the lives of individuals and communities across Pakistan, and we are praying earnestly for God’s continued provision and blessings upon your lives.

Once again, thank you, Brother Terry, and our wonderful friends there for your ongoing support, encouragement, and prayers, especially in these last days.

May the Lord richly bless you for your generosity and faithfulness in teaching, equipping, and preparing souls with His Prophetic Voice.

With heartfelt appreciation and prayers,

Your Brother,

Pastor Anil

Nearing Midnight –new book by Terry James!

FRONT thumbnailNearing Midnight: As It Was In the Days Of Lot  is now available. Thanks for support by adding to your study this important work in  the effort to bring many to Christ as we see the moment of Rapture about to Intervene into the wicked affairs of rebellious mankind.

Some of the world’s top scientists have, since 1947, been setting the imaginary “doomsday clock” to keep up with how near we might be to atomic destruction. They believe that when the hour and minute hand reach midnight, humankind will have completely been destroyed through atomic warfare.

Movement of that symbolic indicator of the last time grows more frightening with each tick. But there is only one accurate timepiece that indicates when the midnight hour approaches for humankind: God’s prophetic Word—the Holy Bible.

In Nearing Midnight: As It Was in the Days of Lot, noted biblical prophecy expert Terry James explores, in detail and through the prism of God’s Word, long-ago prophesied matters now unfolding hourly, including:

  • The potential for nuclear war to break out at any moment.
  • Israel in its enemies’ satanically-driven crosshairs in their determination to destroy God’s chosen people.
  • America and the world facing imminent financial collapse that will bring about a dictatorial digital monetary system.
  • Demonic entities from the abyss that seemingly have been unleashed upon humanity in the form of every sort of perversion, with even very small children in the crosshairs of the purveyors of wickedness.
  • Mother Earth worship, in the form of climate-change insanity, as the anti-God religion being forced upon humanity.
  • The determination of the globalists elite, driven by the entities of Ephesians 6:12, to establish control through a New World Order.

James explores the strange wickedness and evil that are accelerating and threatening world-rending cataclysm at every level. Jesus Christ’s prophecies regarding this very time in which we live help us know precisely how near we are to the midnight hour and offer us the peace we have in the blessed hope of His soon return.

Jesus will Rescue all believers from the Judgment and Wrath that is about to fall in one stupendous, twinkling of an eye  Moment –the Glorious Rapture of His Bride, the Church!

To order Nearing Midnight: As It Was In the Days of Lot you can order from your favorite Bible prophecy ministry’s web site, or from wherever you shop for books. They can most likely order it for you.

Here’s the Amazon link. amazon