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Bulletin: Transformed America

During the last days of the 2008 presidential campaign, Barack Obama stated: “We are just a few days from fundamentally transforming America.” Some 8 years later, he said when time to leave the presidency that he would like to just run the country in his sweats from his basement and let somebody be the front person as president. As of Thursday, May 30, 2024, I believe he just might have achieved both objectives.

America was changed that evening from a republic Benjamin Franklin said the founders had given us, if we could keep it, to a third world-type nation Franklin and the others intended to prevent –at the cost of their lives in many cases. The illegal lawfare, as the war against the constitutionally mandated Justice system has been termed, perpetrated by deep state, struck at the heart of this nation once called “the shining light on the hill.”

The actual power behind this perpetration of destroying the republic, the apex bastion preventing worldwide tyranny, is God’s chief nemesis. Lucifer, that old serpent Satan, pulls the strings and pulls and pushes the levers from somewhere in that basement abyss of wickedness.

The real travesty isn’t all the wrongs visited upon Donald J. Trump since he came down the escalator. He is merely the singular figure we can look at to understand Satan’s working out his plan to bring about the hellish regime of his son of perdition.

We watched as if it were all of the hounds of Hades descending upon this one person once he announced his candidacy for the presidency in 2016. His call was to Make America Great Again. The opposition from every quarter began an assault unlike anything seen in the American political process, already a cesspool, correctly called the Swamp.

Trump endured 24/7 attacks from the Democrat Party, the mainstream news, Hollywood and the entertainment industry, and the so-called deep state (all national and international intelligence people that are totally sold out to Satan’s Ephesians 6:12 globalist cabal. Additionally, he was assaulted by those within his own political party whose fortunes are made and maintained through the Swamp’s money-manufacturing machine.

And those mentioned continued to slam at him while he was president. They have ratcheted up those attacks in recent weeks and days. So much so that they have, through uncounted illegal means and unconstitutional methodologies, managed to get him convicted of crimes that don’t exist.

And the news minions can only parrot the Ephesians 6: 12 lying rant that it is Trump and his ilk that are destroying democracy –that are destroying America. All the while, these wicked in the high places are doing the destroying of the republic.

The dark reverse in direction from truth, justice, and the American way was sensed by many millions, not just by Christians or by Trump supporters on Thursday, May 30, when the verdict of “guilty” on all 34 of the phony charges was announced.

The minions seem to have everything going their way, with the chief nation that has stood against global control by them having apparently been rendered unable to resist them.

To make even clearer where all this is going, we consider that June 1 begins Gay Pride Month, an evil from the deepest reaches of that basement abyss of Luciferian control. The LGBTQ, etc., emerge as if from some labyrinthian portal to turn America and, in effect, the entire world into the generation of earth dwellers described by Jesus as living in times “as it was in the days of Lot.”

It is during this time that the Lord said He will next catastrophically intervene into the wicked affairs of mankind. We are most certainly living presently during that time according to every rubric that defines end times.

While the minions within the globalists’ tyrannical high places plot and achieve the quenching of America’s shining light on the hill of human government, Satan’s plot thickens against God’s chosen nation.

Israel, as anyone paying attention knows, is being barraged with hatred from every quarter. The Jewish people were murdered, raped, and tortured in the October 7, 2023, Hamas attack. Yet it is the Jewish people and the Jewish state who are hated and accused of genocide against the very people who voted to be ruled by the Hamas beasts.

The nations of the world are pointing the satanic finger of accusation at Israel. They are demanding that the nation stop the war to destroy the terrorist forces that perpetrated the most deadly acts on Jews since Hitler’s holocaust. Most every nation on earth –including many of the West—are demanding that there be a Palestinian state in the land God promised Israel through Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. This is clearly prophecy for the last days in stage-setting for fulfillment. Zechariah chapter 12 and Joel 3:2 are materializing as we look at the hourly news developments.

The fundamental transformation of America is in process technologically. Artificial Intelligence (AI), which can also be called Antichrist’s Intelligence because the one called the beast will use it in the cruelest of ways, is developing exponentially. Transgender evil and transhuman experimentation and implementation are making strides in attempts to change God’s Order in the most diabolical of ways. The very youngest among humankind are more and more the victims of such horrendous activity.

I am convicted with all that is within my spirit that the God of Heaven has about reached the end of His Holy Patience. Things observed through Holy Spirit-controlled senses, with belief in God’s Prophetic Word at the center of the process, cannot help but come to the Truth of the matters involved. Everything of prophetic import seems to be coming to a head. This world is about to experience a transformation exceedingly more profound than the transformation Barack Obama has seemingly accomplished while wearing sweats in his basement lair.

Jesus Promises: “And when you see all these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your head; for your redemption draws near” (Luke 21:28).

The Two-Minute Warning :: By Jan Markell

Have you ever been betrayed? Maybe you have more than once. Maybe many times. I bet you find it hard to trust anyone now.

You see, the Jews didn’t take things seriously in Germany in the 1930s. It wouldn’t get all that bad. They were comfortable and assimilated back then. Whatever was happening would blow over. The Jews had contributed in so many positive ways to European society. The warning signs had to be false alarms!

They were betrayed in Europe, and it is happening again, and now they are reading the handwriting on the wall! The messages of warning are everywhere! This time they are paying attention. They’ve gotten the message that now it is the two-minute warning! Here’s why.

  • Their 75-year ally, America, is chastising, marginalizing, scolding, and telling them to lose their war. Don’t retaliate when attacked. Their long-time friend favors Iran.
  • Politicians who are “one of them” have turned on them. Can you say, Chuck Schumer?
  • The media has betrayed them—even the conservative media. Can you say “Tucker Carlson?”
  • Parts of the church are hostile due to Replacement Theology. Others don’t want to make waves or wade into controversy.
  • Every global outfit from the U.N. to the W.E.F. to the I.C.C. to the E.U. laments the plight of the so-called Palestinians. In fact, most of the world feels the Jews are the oppressors and the Palestinians are the oppressed. They support Hamas. They have sympathy for barbarians. That’s hard to imagine.

So, someone is waiting in the wings who is the ultimate betrayer and he will fool them, too. Because they are in a state of fear and anxiety, they will be open to his cunning message. This global mover and shaker may be inconsequential right now, but he is rehearsing how he will play into their insecurities. He’s in the shadows now.

The Jews will eagerly listen to him. Wouldn’t you if people were shouting at you to “go back into the ovens!” “There is only one solution—Intifada, revolution!” “Long live Hamas!” “Death to Jews!”

Wouldn’t you be receptive if you saw nearly every prominent college campus writhing with Jew hatred? Then threats are issued, saying, “The 7th of October is going to be every day for you!”

These radicals want to murder your babies and other loved ones, burn your homes, and even take more hostages! Is this the predicted “love growing cold”? How can human hearts be this cruel? What has infected a huge number of those under the age of 25?

In 1938, Germany was not their home, but in 2024 neither is America, or Australia, or Canada, or France, or the UK, or South Africa.

They only have one home, and that is Israel. Israel will do their best to protect the Jews. At Columbia, and Yale, and MIT, and dozens more, Jews are on their own. No one has their back.

But this smooth-talking man called the Antichrist will be on their side—for a short season.

This is the classic set-up right now! A charismatic man is waiting in the wings. He will seduce the “left behind” world, but he will mesmerize many Jews because they are being primed to be told that a benevolent dictator is their best friend and will never betray them–ever. Those days are behind.

They will relax for three and one-half years, secure in his promises that include no betrayal, and then he will stab them in the back even worse than all previous betrayers. That peace treaty he signed will be shredded. That third temple he allowed will be defiled. How can this be? He promised. He was convincing. He told them what they wanted to hear.

It was all a lie. They will have to flee to the hills called Petra. This will be the classic betrayal.

Then Jesus Christ enters the picture. He will never betray. You can count on it! Their anxiety will actually turn to tears. But the betrayal will finally be over!

“And on that day, I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem. And I will pour out on the house of David, and on the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the spirit of grace and of pleading, so that they will look at Me whom they pierced; and they will mourn for Him, like one mourning for an only son, and they will weep bitterly over Him like the bitter weeping over a firstborn” (Zechariah 12:9-10).

Come to think of it, maybe it’s the two-minute warning for the whole world!


Some Things Never Die :: By Jan Markell

(Note from Jan: I wanted to write a current article on Israel and her impending war with Iran, but then the good folks at “Harbinger’s Daily” resurrected an older article of mine. Since the topic is Israel, I share this instead. Its message is still urgent. Look up the online newspaper (https://harbingersdaily.com/), as they feature many of your favorite writers and teachers! And please, won’t you “pray for the peace of Jerusalem”? (Ps. 122:6). As prophesied in Zechariah 12, the world is abandoning her one by one.

As I state in my book, Trapped in Hitler’s Hell, quoting Dr. Natan Kellermann, there is something unprecedented about the European Holocaust. For the first time in the bloodstained history of the human race, a decision was birthed in a modern state, in the midst of a civilized continent, to track down, register, mark, isolate, dispossess, humiliate, concentrate, transport, and murder every single person of an ethnic group as defined by the perpetrators.

This was targeted at an ethnic group who so generously contributed to the culture of the world; to a people who have borne the brunt of enmity towards them because they dared to be different and dared to insist on their difference.

Six million Jews were killed in Europe and replaced with 20 million Muslims. They burned a culture, thought, creativity, and talent. They destroyed the chosen people, truly chosen, because they produced great and wonderful people who changed the world.

They Knew but Did Not Act

In 2017, Benjamin Netanyahu made the accurate and stunning statement that the Allies knew all that was going on and did very little. He stated, “If the powers in 1942 had acted against the death camps — and all that was needed was repeated bombing of the camps — had they acted then, they could have saved 4 million Jews and millions of other people.”

He continued, “The powers knew, and they did not act. When terrible crimes were being committed against the Jews, when our brothers and sisters were being sent to the furnaces, the powers knew and did not act.”

Can you imagine? Talk about a chronicle of apathy.

He stated three causes for the organized slaughter — widespread anti-Semitism, global indifference, and the weakness of the Jewish people in the Diaspora.

It Wouldn’t Warrant Our Resources!

Entire books were written about the Roosevelt Administration and their apathy towards the suffering. FDR had been in office just one week when the first concentration camp was opened — Dachau. He knew plenty but didn’t seem to care. Yes, many U.S. Presidential administrations have made serious mistakes with their policy towards Israel and the Jews, but none so grievous as FDR and his cronies, who had hardened hearts beyond comprehension.

The idea of bombing the railroad tracks into the camps was brought to the attention of Roosevelt’s State Department. Their response was this: “Such an operation would, in any case, be of such doubtful efficacy that it would not warrant the use of our resources.”

Translate that: The Jews are not worth our time and resources.

Then Came a Modern-Day Cyrus!

It is not an overstatement to say that the nation of Israel might not have been re-born had FDR been President in 1948. On the other hand, President Harry Truman cast the first U.N. vote for the right of the nation to be re-born out of the ashes of the Holocaust. He also relaxed immigration laws to allow Jewish victims of WWII into the U.S. In 1946, he sent a delegation to tour the refugee camps in Europe and realized these Jews needed a home. He was a modern-day Cyrus!

On December 17, 1942, the Allies issued a proclamation condemning the ‘extermination’ of the Jewish people in Europe and declared that they would punish the perpetrators. Why not go a step further and put an end to the carnage, or at least slow the destruction, by bombing the railroads into the camps?

The utter shock of senior Allied commanders who liberated camps at the end of the war may indicate that this understanding was somewhat limited. Gen. Eisenhower had his troops take pictures of the liberated camps, admitting that few would believe the severity of the Holocaust without this evidence.

Mankind’s sinful, fallen nature prevented the rescue of up to four million Jews and many other non-Jews who were in the camps. World leaders looked the other way as early as 1942. They even knew about the gas being used in the gas chambers.

It Could Never Happen Again! Really?

Today, similar apathy exists concerning the slaughter of Christians around the world, particularly in parts of Africa. Not even our pulpits address this. It is a second holocaust that world leaders can’t seem to be bothered with.

I realize World War II is now considered ancient history — an era from long ago that has slipped from the memory of many. Surely, they said, it could never happen again. Really?

But anti-Semitism never dies. Satan is obsessed with exterminating God’s covenant people because they are the key to the last days, and the last days spell Satan’s doom.

And apathy never dies, either. Millions perished because of that deadly combination.

Today, we are seeing more lawlessness and the spirit of the Antichrist as millions demonstrate for Hamas and “Palestine” and against Israel and the Jews. Not much has changed since 1938. And a lawless U.S. government is pro-Iran in spite of their cries of “death to America.”

The last days are upon us where up is down, black is white, and evil is good. And you are here for such a time as this to be salt and light.


Scanning a Fearful Future – Part Two

Terrible times like no other in American history lurk somewhere in the future, according to FOX News Channel’s Glenn Beck. He is joined in his stated apprehension for what is coming by thousands of American citizens. Many of these are fear-filled Christians who look to Beck and others to inform them of the proposed terrors to come, and to tell them what to do about it. I continue to hear from some of these through email on a weekly, even daily, basis.

I would like us to look briefly at developments across today’s socioeconomic landscape, thus to examine as analytically and as fairly as possible the portentous matters that give Beck and others fodder for their doomsday scenarios.

Economics-minded forecasters great and small watched the stock market bubble build during the days preceding the Lehman Brothers collapse of 2008, speculating wildly what the bubble’s burst might bring. That financial aneurysm, they determined, would certainly rupture–and, of course, it did. Governmental insanity created by ultra-liberal politicians saw to it that people with champagne tastes and beer drinkers’ budgets for years received home loans they didn’t have much more than a prayer of ever repaying.

We are now familiar with the terms “Freddie Mac” and “Fannie Mae.” We are equally acquainted with names such as Barney Frank, Charles Schumer, and others, who–in the name of “fairness” to those who couldn’t afford housing like the more affluent–demanded these be given the loans anyway, despite the fact the recipients didn’t have the income or collateral to support that level of debt.

Rather than govern the housing industry responsibly, the elected officials invested with the responsibility to oversee things, in concert with their Wall Street cohorts, foolishly threw caution to the fiscal winds. A banking crisis of unprecedented magnitude was thus created, with the housing bubble rupture setting in motion bank failures and threats of even greater crises.

Calls for massive bailouts to avert what the president of the United States and others in government and media speciously screamed would otherwise be world-rending calamity brought about the most devastating crisis of all. Trillions of dollars were, in effect, created out of thin air by the Federal Reserve Bank to save entities “too big to fail.”

The totally irresponsible sleight-of-hand accomplished only the creation of an exploding national debt that most likely can never be repaid. Decisions made by some of the same people who help create the problems strapped on the back of American citizens financial burdens with which generations far into the future will have to deal.

The resulting economic uncertainty deepened an abyss-like recession that more soundly thought-out measures would have surely lessened in severity. Jobs, as we know, are being lost; businesses are closing their doors; deflation or hyper-inflation–the experts can’t figure which—might collapse the American economy within a near-time frame (which the experts can’t predict, either).

The stability of the global economy hangs in the balance, with the other nations and their monetary gurus wondering about the financial fate of the U.S. and its all-important dollar. And, make no mistake: Under present world economic structures, the fate of the American dollar is absolutely critical.

Enter Glenn Beck at the tip of the gloom iceberg. And “iceberg” is a viable term here because the things he and others are forewarning are indeed chilling. Statements the TV and radio show host make almost daily send shivers down the spine of many of his viewers and listeners. He says things like (I paraphrase), “Change is coming, and when it happens, you won’t recognize your country. You will wake up next day, and it will no longer be America as you’ve known it. And, it will happen just that fast. I can’t tell you when that transformation is coming, but it’s coming.”

Beck forecasts the same astonishing change for the entire world in his proposed overnight transformational moment. His words sound almost out of the pages of Bible prophecy from the Pre-Trib view, don’t they? But the change he predicts is tied almost exclusively to the earthly, not to the ethereal–almost, but not entirely, as we will soon find.

Economic collapse, thus societal rearrangements of apocalyptic dimension, is at the heart of his fearful forecast. He implies that we will, perhaps, awaken that morning to a monetary cataclysm–our dollar as worthless as the deutsche marks of the Weimar republic of Germany just before Hitler’s meteoric rise to power in the 1930s. The FOX program host often raises the real probability, in his view, that inflation, which is on the rise, will skyrocket to astronomical levels when the great transformation he fears takes place.

He gives some key commodity future dollar amounts for what he claims the experts tell him will be exponential price rises. A small bag of sugar could be as much as $60 or $70. One ear of corn could be $11 or higher. A loaf of bread will likely be $24. Just under a pound of coffee could be $77. Fifteen ounces of orange juice will likely be $45, according to Beck’s forecasters.

A Hershey chocolate bar, standard size, will cost $15.50, his experts say. Now, that is certainly a crisis in the making if it is an accurate prognostication. Chocolate lovers I know would probably join the rioters Beck believes will rage in the streets once cuts to federal government give-away programs have to be made.

Next week, we will think a bit on what a changed America might look like if truly effective remedies to deal with Mr. Beck’s fearful vision of a new socioeconomic paradigm are ever implemented.