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God Governs the Globalists

I wrote some years ago for one of my books a chapter I titled “Globalism’s Siren Song.” The chapter began as follows:

Come, young citizens of the world, we are one, we are one.

Come, young citizens of the world, we are one, we are one.

We have one hope, we have one dream, and with one voice we sing:

Peace, prosperity, and love for all mankind.

The lyrics are set to an enchanting, rhythmic melody and are sung by a chorus of sweet-voiced children. Soon you are humming, then singing along. What could possibly be wrong with those sentiments so innocently expressed? Peace, prosperity, and love for all mankind-are these not among the most noble of objectives?

Powerful humanistic allurements beckon seductively, promising a golden future if all of earth’s people will come together as one. Such a glorious world order, long dreamed about and even fervently pursued, seems at last achievable. Those who hold the worldview that national boundaries must fall and sovereignties must diminish because we are all citizens of planet earth passionately embrace the earth shrinking technologies that science continues to produce. For example, the Internet. Yes, the Utopian dream at last seems achievable. However, while the sirens of globalism – like the twin sisters who lured unwary sailors to their deaths in Homer’s The Odyssey -sing their lovely, mesmerizing songs of New World Order, the words pronounced by the Ancient of Days reverberate through the corridors of antiquity and leap at this generation from the pages of God’s Holy Word:

Behold, the people are one and they have all one language, and this they begin to do; and now nothing will be restrained from them which they have imagined to do (Genesis 11:6).

One World Order was at the time of that chapter’s writing a strong factor to consider in looking at where the world stood on God’s prophetic timeline. Like for most of the latter part of the twentieth century and the beginning of the twenty-first, the drive to return to Babel was in the news in one form or the other at least on a weekly basis.

The Soviet Union had dissolved after President Reagan’s demand: “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!” There seemed great optimism then that the building of that new Tower of Babel could begin in earnest.

The many developing conflicts, however, as the Middle East lit up with increased Islamist fanaticism and terrorism, required that the globalists go from singing their siren song in a joyful, Kumbaya fashion to one sung with somewhat dampened enthusiasm. The “We Are the World” and all such anthems seemed to lessen into a holding-pattern hum while the new-world-order-builders were kept busy putting out fires that might ignite wars almost as dangerous as those that could have erupted in days of the Cold War.

For a time, there was a more or less disjointed effort on behalf of what might be considered the civilized nations to deal with the Middle Eastern madness. But, with the coming of the felling of the World Trade Towers on September 11, 2001, there was an almost instantaneous coalescence of the global powers, with a number of lesser powers. Operation Iraqi Freedom, you will remember, was the result.

While there appeared to be a new, powerful drive toward the new world order the first President Bush talked about so much, America was the hold-up. The U.S. was so overwhelmingly powerful in dealing with the Desert Storm campaign and later with the following war by President Bush 43 to oust Saddam Hussein from Iraq that the globalists dream of a one-world power was impossible to form.

Sovereignty and autonomy of nations were the order of the day. God’s hand moved upon the world of geopolitics to prevent the singing of the one-world anthems with increased vigor.

We come to the present hour. To the observer of the world scene today–and I’m not talking about the vast number of Americans or citizens of other nations, but the experts who watch for political rearrangement–the major roadblock to achieving global order was being dismantled as quickly as the former presidential regime could manage–i.e., America was having its foundation chipped away as Barack Obama and all in cahoots with him around the world strove diligently to fundamentally transform America from being a constitutional republic to becoming a borderless, possession of the U.N.

America was to be brought down so the new Babylonian order can be built. Mr. Obama was in high gear at every turn, using the presidency of earth’s most prominent nation to make the “hope and change” he promised before his election–a promise the true nature of which few in this country comprehended. The change, that transformation, was to be the removal of America as a hindrance to the larger order–that within which the powers that be can rule and reign as a central governing authority.

Thankfully, the Lord preempted those vile plans and –for now– has the movement into one world order on hold.

So, the Obama administration almost single-handedly –so the globalists elite must surely have thought– began the process of dismantling the roadblock to their taking the world back to Babel. This, of course, was all preparation for Antichrist, the globalist of all globalists, to step onto the stage of human history for the final curtain call. But it did not happen and will not happen until it is Providentially Allowed.

The God of Heaven says that will not happen until the church of Jesus Christ is removed. For it is in actuality the Holy Spirit indwelling the Church–not America–that is governing the globalists’ efforts to establish one world order.

In writing the chapter I mentioned in the opening of this commentary, I closed that chapter with the following, as I will do with this article.

The Lull Before the Storm

Thankfully, even though God’s judgment upon sin is sure, He is also slow to anger and His mercy is great. It is my opinion that we are currently in a lull that God has graciously granted just before the prophesied end-of-time storm that will devastate a wrath-deserving generation. Even so, a brisk wind is already snapping the flag of warning that apocalypse approaches.

God the Holy Spirit earnestly and tenderly beckons all who will heed His call to take shelter within the only harbor where protection from the deadly whirlwind to come can be found. That safe harbor is Jesus Christ. Those who refuse to accept the haven or safety offered by Christ will perish beneath the raging, crashing surge as surely as did the antediluvians during the judgment of Noah’s day.


  1. Kelsey Pietsch (Peach) says:

    Very well said. If you haven’t already done so, now is the time to place your faith in the Lord Jesus Christ who died for our sins…and rose again bodily on the third day. Consider what lies ahead. https://kelseypeach.wordpress.com/2016/02/20/the-order-of-coming-events-2/

  2. Gary Lee Fennimore says:

    Delusion fostered with GOD’s approval is or has descended upon the Globalists’ minds. Therefore, probably strong sentiments for reasoning with those that are deluded is actually fighting against GOD, unbelievably (2 Thessalonians 2:11-12 & 2 Tim. 2:24-26).

  3. Bibleguy317 says:

    Reblogged this on BibleProphecyWatch.

  4. Beth Stertz says:

    Thank you for the encouragement. To some, this post will not seem encouraging, but to believers who sometimes become “rapture fatigued” it is a reminder that God is working for His purposes and that all things will work together for good to those who love Him. It is sometimes hard to wait!

  5. I’m really enjoying reading this. I have to say though that I think that the globalism is not on hold-rather the sentiment has increased due to the irrational anti trump hatred. The hatred is so frenzied that it has served to completely split the nation and increase antisemitism and antichristian sentiments. We aren’t on hold at all; this last grasp for a return to conservative principles is actually the catalyst that will harden the hearts of men to hasten to rally an anti Christ that will do away with the people they hate. And it is happening as fast as technology is advancing.

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