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Dimensional Deceivers

The committee member, Tennessee Congressman Tim Burchett (R), spoke bluntly:

“We’ve been dealing [with government cover-ups] since 1947, probably since about 1897 in what was the Aurora Texas UFO crash.”

He said further, “[Extraterrestrial craft] can travel light years or at the speeds that we’ve seen defy physics as we know it. They can fly underwater and don’t show a heat trail,” he added. According to Burchett, the aliens could simply turn humans “into a charcoal briquette” if they wanted to, given their technology that is different from what humans known on earth.

He concluded, “We are out of our league. We couldn’t fight them off if we wanted to. That’s why I don’t think they’re a threat to us, or they would already have been.”

The past week, an emailer who is a frequent visitor to Rapture Ready wrote me regarding the hoopla over UFO sightings, etc., that currently surrounds testimony given during congressional committee sessions. He, in part, wrote the following:

I fully believe in UFOs and any person who wants to can go to any party favor store, Walmart, etc., and buy the materials needed to make a UFO…. However, I believe that extraterrestrial UFO technology /extraterrestrial life do not exist and do not line up with God’s Holy Word, the Bible. So, what are your thoughts on extraterrestrial life?

He then wrote:

I believe the UFO reports are all a distraction by some government officials and nothing more and that God created our planet, solar system and universe as unique.… I would like to know your thoughts on this.

I, of course, have addressed the UFO matters in depth over the years of writing commentaries, and I’ve even written extensively in novels, taking considerable literary license—but not anti-biblical license—in the storytelling.

Since there is an effort by the New World Order types to ratchet up interest in things perceived to be extraterrestrial, I encourage you to get Gary Ritter’s and my series, The Second Coming Chronicles, which I believe provides a heads-up on things going on at present. It consists of three novels:  The Rapture Dialogues; The Nephilim Imperatives, and The Minion Protocols.

You can find them at the following:

The Second Coming Chronicles box set 

Books individually at the following:

The Rapture Dialogues

The Nephilim Imperatives

The Minion Protocols

Now that the UFO narrative has ramped up just as all other things that seem to be going on are converging, the subject of my emailer’s note, I think, deserves some increased scrutiny.

First, it’s interesting that US government officialdom has seen fit to change the nomenclature of unidentified flying objects (UFOs) to unidentified anomalous phenomena (UAP).

My wonder over this—perhaps because of my overwhelming skepticism of anything coming out of this government nowadays—comes from the thought that someone wishes to get the public’s mind off of the kind of superfluous view that surrounds the topic of UFOs—i.e., people kind of look at these things with tongue in cheek. Even with the blockbuster movies about all of the space beings, etc., people as a whole still see in their mind’s eye little green beings of a spoofing, fictional sort.

I’m wondering if these controller-types in high places now want us to begin taking the UFOs seriously. Maybe that’s why the mysterious sightings have been dubbed “UAPs” to help change our mindsets.

Certainly the whistleblowers on the UAP matters being sent to testify before congressional committees is a sea change in the way government has to this point dealt with the strange sightings over the years.

We see the change in the way government wants to deal with possible visitors from other worlds in the following:

In July, Congress quietly admitted that Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) are not “man-made” and that the threat is “expanding,” burying the startling revelations in a report added to the Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2023. The finding was first reported by Vice on Tuesday. The report also criticized the DoD for “the slow pace” at which the department was establishing the office “to address those threats” related to UFOs. (“Congress quietly says UFO threat ‘expanding,’ not all are ‘man-made’,” American Military News)

The congressman’s statement at the beginning of this post convinces me that he wholeheartedly believes the UAP is of extraterrestrial origin. The testimony of the whistleblowers indicates there are indeed proofs of little green men—or gray men, or whatever their color—whose cadavers are stored in US government warehouses. The testimonies, allowed to go forward—a thing totally unlike government permission ever given in the past—should make us ask: “Why now?”

It does make me wonder, “Why now?” and here’s what I think in that regard—in answer to my emailer friend.

My response is wrapped up in the title I’ve given this post, “Dimensional Deceivers.” Jesus’ first Words in giving prophetic signs to look for in anticipation of His Second Coming were a caution that we should be careful not to be deceived. I believe this is deception of the first order—or perhaps of the last, or final, order. We are being set up for the great delusion that will follow the sudden disappearance of multiple millions from the earth—including every child below the age of accountability.

The human minions of Ephesians 6:12 no doubt aren’t in on this deception—at least, not at the Luciferian level of collusion. They are likely genuinely looking for ways to control the masses if and when an invasion of the supposed extraterrestrials takes place. Many of these human minions no doubt believe they will have entry into the highest positions of power if they are ahead of things that will be coming forth when the ETs strike.

But Satan and his demonic minions know the Rapture is coming. They are setting up the deception in advance of 2 Thessalonians and the appearance of their man of sin, Antichrist.

It is a “dimensional invasion,” not an “extraterrestrial invasion,” that the post-Rapture world will experience. Planting the thought in in the people’s minds that we face an actual, proven, extraterrestrial threat is coming on full force.

This, again, all means that the moment when Jesus, our blessed hope, shouts, “Come up here!” to all believers must be very soon.

To go to the safety found only within the Lord Jesus Christ when He shouts those words, please follow the instructions Paul the apostle was given by the Holy Spirit:

“That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.” (Romans 10:9–10)


  1. Dave says:

    Spot on Terry! The recent uptick in this malarkey is indicative of how close we are.

  2. Jim says:

    Things feel different this year.

    I’ve lost interest in most activities.
    I’ve been prompted by the Spirit to start distributing gospel tracts around town.
    My focus seems to be on heavenly things rather than the things of this world.

    Maybe it’s because I’ve always half expected the Lord to return sometime between 2030-2033 with the rapture at least 7 years earlier.

    Maybe it’s due to the fact that this 7 year UN recommitment looms ahead which I don’t think it’s a mere coincidence.

    Maybe it’s simply the Spirit prompting myself and all other astute believers to prepare for His arrival.

    Whatever the case, it’s apparent the world cannot sustain its current path much longer. Either we are leaving very soon or we are going to experience things we never thought possible.

    • Ed Wood says:

      They do for me, too, Jim.

      The increase in lies and distortions coming at us from every source, the exponential growth of evil and perversion, which is now even targeting kids, the sudden ramping up of UFO incidents and the official admission that these things are indeed real, the explosion of technology that will allow the nightmare world of the Tribulation to come to pass is just some of the tangible evidence that we are approaching something big. (The Rapture, perhaps?)

      On a personal level, I survived a cardiac arrest two months ago that statistically should have killed me or left me significantly damaged at best – and yet, here I am with virtually no cognitive or physical impairment – and even an unexplainable marked improvement in heart function!

      I have felt that this age is coming to an end for many years but it began rapidly intensifying when the so-called Covid pandemic hit. However, this year the intensity of this feeling is more than I have ever experienced before.

      Jesus is indeed coming . . . VERY SOON!

  3. Dawn says:

    I believe we are going to be leaving very soon. Gives one pause to reflect on what is really important now that time seems to be so very short.

    • Jim says:

      Yes Dawn I agree. The visualization I get is we are at the airport. Our bags are packed and we are standing at our destination gate eagerly waiting for the crew to open the doors so we can board.

      We are not at home browsing vacation spots
      We are not a week out from the trip
      We are not on our way to the airport

      In fact, that’s sorta how I feel lately. Maybe it’s the Lord, maybe it’s my own thoughts, but for the last 3 months our so I’ve felt the need to get everything in order.

      Rapture letters tucked away
      Distribute last minute bible tracts
      Pray for certain individuals salvation
      Get my mind right
      Encourage the saints
      Warn those near me of what’s coming

      Ive never felt like this before. It’s strange because I feel like I’m living in a paradox. On one hand I feel the Lord’s return is very close. On the other I feel like I never accomplished what I was supposed to do here. Maybe I already did and didn’t know it. Maybe I wasted all these years and never pursued what I was meant to do. I been led to be a watchman and tell others about Christ but I never got the leading (yet) to be a pastor, or a theologian, or a missionary to some country. I just don’t want to go before Christ and have Him say my life was a waste…

      Anyways thanks for listening. Anyone else can chime in too if you feel so led.

      • Alex says:

        I feel the same as you do about glorifying God and telling my family of salvation in Jesus, faith in Him and living righteously. So I ask for forgiveness and to listen and obey. Birth pangs are increasing with intensity. Maranatha, even so Lord come. Oh, but one thing we have that is very powerful is prayer. Our spirit can touch God of our concerns for family and the world.

  4. Dawn says:

    Terry, I thought I ordered the book about the Rapture, the book has a picture of a woman following a little girl on the cover. I can’t find it on Amazon, I failed to write down the author or the title and I think I deleted your post that contained it. Help???

  5. Ed Wood says:

    The search for extraterrestrial intelligence began with Frank Drake’s Project Ozma, circa 1960. Since then we have seen the SETI Institute formed especially for this purpose. Now then, here is what puzzles me: Why haven’t we heard any announcement from any SETI programs yet in the America or in other countries that they have acquired some signals from “out yonder?”
    Or perhaps this will be the next step in all this UAP/UFO business?

    Now either these things are the result of high-tech clandestine research being done right hear by human beings on Earth or they are indeed otherworldly. If it is the latter, there are only two other
    intelligences, besides human beings, that the Bible reveals – from greatest to the least:

    Angels, both good and evil.

    Since Satan and his fallen angel minions are the only non-human entities who are motivated to deceive us, that pretty much narrows the field as to the source of this unexplained aerial appearances to be used for their own purposes, the reasons for them, no doubt, yet to come.

  6. Chris Madder says:

    I am sorry to burst everybody’s bubble but I believe your government knows full well what we pre-tribbers are expecting and is pandering to that desire. I have no doubt that this could all be connected with the spiritual war raging all around us, however, at this moment, being an exceptionally suspicious person due to the lessons of life which I have been given, I believe this has all been micro-managed to ensure we are looking in the wrong direction. My first thought, with regard to these ‘revelations’ is: “Why now?”, what is it they do not wish us to see, or even notice which is being perpetrated in the background which will, most certainly, not be for our benefit?

  7. markavaldivia60 says:

    It’s tragic that the world can believe in an “Anomalous Phenomena” but refuse to believe in the Sovereign Creator who desires to have fellowship with them and has ransomed them from the wrath to come should they repent and believe.

  8. Patty T. says:

    This set up has been in play since the time of WWII. You are correct, it is a dimensional invasion that has long been in the planning. I studied the “UFO” phenomena in detail for many years and its “gospel” is not the gospel of Jesus Christ, it is a demonic gospel filled with false promises and false narratives, that reflect the mind-set of Satan as seen in the Bible.

  9. Dan says:

    UFO, UAP, whatever…I tend to believe them to real. Simply put …if they perform beyond natural physics then I would classify them as supernatural and we all know what two realms the supernatural operate in…the good and the evil…I don’t see our Holy God playing games with us regarding this matter…they are evil with evil intent…to further the Evil One’s ambitions!

  10. Tom says:

    Dude and dudett’s, get over it. Wake up. They’re of this earth. They are man made systems. Some are robotic or Robotech, some are drones and some are military craft. Sorry…

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