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Author’s note: This is a Christmas gift of forewarning. It is the order of terrible events prophetically scheduled to take place during the Tribulation. The memorandum is given in love and in advance for those who will choose to be left behind after the removal of believers to Heaven, rather than accept God’s grace gift of salvation through His Son Jesus Christ, whose birthday we celebrate today.

Please consider the following grace gift from the Lord who created you and who desires that you be part of His family for all eternity. Follow God’s prescription in this promise. Then, the memorandum that follows will not be for you, but for others who have rejected the grace gift offer prior to the Rapture of all believers in Christ for salvation.

That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. (Romans 10:9–10)


Date: (Unknown)

To: Everyone left on planet Earth

From: Those who have vanished

Re: The truth about what happened

This is to tell you exactly what is involved in the sudden disappearance of people around the world. It’s as simple as this: We who belong to Christ were called into the air above the planet in the Rapture. Yes, that kooky, ridiculous, pie-in-the-sky, fly-away event that Tim LaHaye and other preachers of what you’ve thought of as fantasy have been proclaiming could happen at any moment did, in fact, happen.

You are hearing, or will soon hear, every conceivable explanation of what caused this astonishing disappearance. Here are our guesses as to what some of those explanations will be:

  • It was some sort of quantum evolutionary leap, which will ultimately be great for mankind.
  • It was a mass abduction by extraterrestrials—an outgrowth of the singular abductions that have been reported over the years.
  • It was a natural, scientifically explainable cosmic interaction that some human physiologies could resist and others couldn’t.
  • It was a supernatural movement into a higher form for those who disappeared–an ascension to godhood.
  • It was punishment from the great cosmogonical mind, removing the evil from the world.

Don’t believe any of these or other explanations. To find out the absolute truth about what the mass vanishing actually involves, read in the Bible 1 Corinthians 15:51–55 and 1 Thessalonians 4:13–18. Also read John 14:1–3 to find out where we who vanished are presently located.

Now that we are gone–and our leaving has everything to do with your immediate future—the following will happen in order very similar to that listed here.

These and other events will occur over the next seven years:

  • Total chaos will rule for a time. (Lk. 21: 25)
  • Governments will get control through sometimes-harsh methods. (Rev. 17: 12-13)
  • One world government will come together. (Ps. 2: 1-3)
  • A one-world church will form. (Rev. Ch. 17)
  • A world leader from Europe will step to the forefront and take charge of the peace process. (Dan. 9: 26-27)
  • Israeli government and Israel’s enemies will sign an agreement of peace that ensures peace and safety. (Dan. 9: 27; Isa. 28: 18; 1 Thes. 5: 3)
  • Peace will not last, as a coalition of nations—led by Russia—will invade the Middle East. (Ezek. 38: 1-12)
  • God, himself, will destroy all but one-sixth of the invader forces. (Ezek. 39: 1-5)
  • Much of the world will be hit by the deadly effects of the invasion. This will possibly include chemical, biological, and nuclear aftereffects. (Ezek. 39:6-7; 11-16)
  • The world leader will solidify his power following the Russian-led coalition’s destruction. (Dan. 8: 23-25; 11: 36-39)
  • Two Old-Testament-type prophets will come on the world scene and preach about Christ while condemning the world’s evil. (Rev. 11: 3-6)
  • Meanwhile, God will put His protection upon 144,000 Jews who have converted to Christianity so that they can begin to preach God’s saving message to the people of the Tribulation. (Rev. 7: 3-8)
  • At the same time, God will allow strong delusion to come over all who heard the Gospel before the Rapture, but, fully understanding the offer of salvation, refused to accept Christ. These will believe the lies of Antichrist and Satan. (2 Thes. 2: 11-12)
  • Antichrist, after months of trying, will finally murder the two Old-Testament-type prophets. But they will come back to life and be taken into Heaven while the world watches. (Rev. 11: 11-12)
  • Antichrist will receive a supposedly deadly head wound (Rev. 13: 3).
  • Satan and his fallen angels will fight God’s forces, be kicked out of Heaven by Michael and his angels, and will be exiled to planet Earth, where Satan will bring great anger against those who live there (Revelation chapter 12).
  • The False Prophet will perform supposed miracles and will call fire down from Heaven –which likely will involve light-like orbs that are those of Satan’s force thrown down to earth (Revelation chapter 13).
  • Antichrist will appear to resurrect from the dead, being then possessed by Satan. (13: 3-4)
  • Antichrist will sit in the Temple on Mount Moriah in Jerusalem. He will claim to be God and demand worship. (2 Thes. 2: 3-4)
  • The False Prophet will direct all worship to Antichrist, and will erect an image of him. (Rev. 13:11-17)
  • Antichrist’s regime will institute a computer mark-and-numbers system. It will be both to control the world’s populations and to cause all to worship Antichrist, whose number in all of this is 666. (Rev. 13: 16-18)
  • Those who refuse to accept Antichrist’s mark will be murdered. Beheading will apparently be the regime’s chosen method of offing these “traitors.” (Rev. 13: 15; 20: 4)
  • Antichrist will begin a systematic genocide against the Jewish race that will make Hitler’s Holocaust look mild by comparison. (Rev. Ch. 12)
  • He and the False Prophet will also have all the new believers they can find rounded up, tortured, then murdered. (Jhn. 16: 2; Rev. 13: 8)
  • While Antichrist hunts down and murders people by the millions, God’s judgments will begin to fall directly on the rebellious people of the planet. (Rev. 6: 17)
  • Millions upon millions will die while God’s wrath pours out in a series of three types of judgments, each consisting of seven specific judgments, for a total of 21 judgments. (Rev. chapters 6 through 18)
  • When all is said and done, more than half, possibly as much as two-thirds, of all human life will die of the plagues. (Rev. 6: 8; 8: 8; 9: 18)
  • God will prepare, and the Jewish remnant will flee to, a hiding place, probably Petra, the ancient city carved in the rose red-colored rocks of the Jordanian wilderness. (Rev. 12: 6, 14)
  • Antichrist and his forces, led by Satan, will pursue the Jewish people and try to murder them, but the pursuing forces will be swallowed up by the Earth. (Rev. 12: 15-16)
  • While the Jewish and many of the Gentile people still alive remain safely protected, God’s wrath will fall in greater force. (Rev. 16: 1)
  • The sun will go partly dark, while at the same time heating up to seven times hotter than normal. (Rev. 16: 8-11)
  • A great object will fall into the ocean from space. Its impact will kill life in the sea, and most likely will destroy coastal areas with tidal waves. (Rev. 8: 8-9)
  • Another asteroid or other mass from space will strike earth and will poison much of the planet’s fresh water sources. (Rev. 8: 10-11)
  • Great, unprecedented earthquakes will happen simultaneously all over the earth. (Matt. 24: 7; Rev. 16: 18)
  • People will be so frightened they will have heart attacks, just from the things they see are yet to come. (Lk. 21: 26)
  • A supernatural plague of huge insect-like creatures will be released from the abyss, and they will sting all who have the mark of the Beast. Men and women will try to commit suicide because of their great pain from the stings and bites of these demonic creatures. (Rev. 9: 3-6)
  • God will then move in the minds of all military forces on earth to gather in the valley of Jezreel, the plains of Esdraelon, near the ancient city of Megiddo. This is Armageddon. (Joel 3: 14; Rev. 16: 16)
  • The “Kings of the East,” a huge army out of the Orient numbering more than 200 million troops, will invade to make war with Antichrist’s and the other world’s forces. (Rev. 9: 15-16; 16: 12)
  • Jesus said of this time that if He didn’t come back, everyone and everything would die because of the fighting about to take place. (Matt. 24: 22; Mark 13: 20)
  • Jesus will return with the armies of Heaven. His armies consist of the mighty angels and Jesus’ Church, which will have been raptured at least seven years earlier. (Rev. 19: 11-14)
  • Antichrist’s armies and all others will try to prevent Christ’s return. (Rev. 19: 19)
  • Jesus will simply speak, and all armies on earth will be rendered helpless, most killed. (19: 15-18)

You have only one chance to survive: accept Jesus Christ as Savior (read John, chapter 3). This will involve refusing to take Antichrist’s mark when it is instituted. If you accept the mark, you are eternally doomed.

Note to those not appointed to God’s wrath (1 Thes. 5:9-11): Perhaps you should pass this memorandum to your lost family and friends before you vanish.

Then, post it on your refrigerator.


  1. cviews@nym.hush.com says:

    Aliens Could Attack Earth to End Global Warming, NASA Scientist Fretshttps://www.foxnews.com/science/aliens-could-attack-earth-to-end-global-warming-nasa-scientist-frets

    • johnjsch says:

      Do not be deceived. Believe on the Lord Jesus and you will be saved.

    • Ed Wood says:

      In all the past millions of years that Earth has experienced cycles of global warming and cooling, I wonder why the aliens never interfered before? If they wanted to colonize, wouldn’t it have been a lot easier before 8 billion humans showed up?

      For a scientist to suggest such a wild thing makes you wonder if claims of human-caused climate change might be just as off-base?

      By the way, according to my own research humans only contribute 3.8% of the CO2 emissions into the atmosphere. Makes it hard for me to believe that this could cause such a big problem.

  2. Glenn B. says:

    Very good! Most of my life/career friends are Catholics. My personal experience is that unless one rejects evolutionary thinking rather than creation, they can never come to believe in a Pre-Trib Rapture. I completely sympathize with their line of thinking. We are told nonstop 24-7-365 (brainwashed) the earth is billions of years old. When evangelicals insist the world is 6,000 years old, that opens up the can of worms that “you can’t take God’s Word literally”. This big lie starts with believing in evolution and creation are compatible. I fell for it until about 4 years ago. I can find hardly anyone in professing Christendom who takes the scenario painted in the meme above seriously. In my humble opinion.

    • Leigh M. says:

      Yes, that is exactly what I was taught from about 6th grade on through collage. I was totally convinced that the Evolution Theory (notice they dropped that and now it’s just evolution) was the truth of this world. I had Lost in Space, Outer Limits, and Twilight Zone to all enforce evolution. What a lie. But then, in 1965, I saw Charlie Brown Christmas! A light went on in my little nine year old heart and from that year on, I watched Charlie Brown Christmas just for that little bit of Luke 2:8-14. Amazing, the Lord called to me, but I didn’t answer until I was 29 with two very sick little boys. He has had my heart since then. I did go to many Creation Seminars that Ken Ham taught at Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa and learned the truth about evolution. I now use that knowledge of the truth to combat the lie of evolution and make people THINK!
      God is so GOOD! and we will see Him very soon!!!

  3. A Clark says:

    Awesome idea. I’m going to do just that as well as make a special page on my blog site with this information. In fact it would be good to hide a copy in many places as the coming regime will want to purge those scriptural truths from the system.

  4. Ed Wood says:

    Excellent summary of what is soon to occur and a great Christmas gift – reassurance to those who already believe in Jesus, a chance for those who don’t to “get right” with him before it is too late, and vital information for those who didn’t make that choice now, but will have their last chance in the last terrible years.

    Right on target.

    Now I would like to address a few things my fellow believer Glenn B. brought up and perhaps show how I have resolved what initially looks like contradictions in my own mind. (I do not presume suggest that I have it all correct, but it works for me!)

    Up front, I consider them to be details open for varying opinion, unlike salvation (Jesus and him only) and moral issues (Jesus’ summary of the Law) which are absolutes and non-negotiable.

    As to the dispute of how old the earth and universe are, I am an “old universe” guy myself. However when we consider that our human perspective of time is not at all like God’s (Psalm 90:4 2 Peter 3:8), any apparent discrepancies disappear.

    Concerning evolution, I believe it is merely a process involved in the vast differentiation of species Earth now has from the relatively few types there must have been that could have fit on Noah’s Ark, the account of which I do happen to believe literally. If we therefore think of “evolution” as “change” or “variation,” consider, too, that after the Fall, that is exactly what happened (Genesis 3:17-19) and that after the Flood, the animals became fearful of humans (Genesis 9:2) with God allowing them to be consumed along with vegetation, which was the original diet of humans and animals in Eden.

    What I absolutely do NOT accept is that humans evolved from the same ancestor as other primates. That it the reason a “missing link” has never been found showing such a connection. Human intelligence is unique, and, if we want to be scientific about it, it is totally unnecessary for any life form to survive. All said life has to do is to outrun whatever it wants to eat and whatever wants to eat it!

    Doesn’t have to be smart, just fast! Therefore, just as with the Flood, I accept the Genesis account of man’s creation as well.

    Just thought I’d put these thoughts out there with all due respect to anyone who might disagree.

    I expect we will be able to see “through the glass clearly” the answers to these an our other questions in the life to come!

    By the way, I do believe 100% in the Pre-Trib Rapture.

    Merry Christmas and God bless you all!

    Ed W.

  5. Rob Lewis says:

    Thanks Terry, going to print it out and place in all my books on the rapture and various places like food and defense stashes,

  6. Debbie Riggs says:

    Excellent summary for those left behind after the rapture of the church! It was a great idea to print copies of this and leave them in various places around your home, in your vehicle, barn, garage, chicken coop… anywhere someone left behind will come upon it.
    For me and my family… we eagerly wait for the trumpet call of Christ calling His Church home!!

  7. gbowman382 says:

    Great comment Brother Ed. It’s not a salvation issue thankfully.

    • Ed Wood says:

      Thank you, gbowman382.

      God certainly made his plan of salvation so clear that all can understand it. Whether or not people choose to accept it or not puts the responsibility upon each one of them personally.

      As for subjects which can legitimately be debated, like young Earth or old Earth, I think it is important that we don’t let the devil use differences of opinion on these “details” to divide us, as he surely will.

      One of the great things about this website is that most of those who come here are not looking for confrontation, but to learn things they didn’t know before and to engage in respectful dialogues in the process.

      This is something I truly appreciate – and thank you, Terry James, for providing this opportunity to grow in our knowledge and faith by your own witness and those of others.

      I have no doubt, Terry, that you will be welcomed warmly in heaven by all whose lives you have touched.

      Matter of fact, I believe you have already have been given a look at that very thing back on that Good Friday, April 22, 2011.

  8. James says:

    Do you feel in your spirit that we are that close?

    • Ed Wood says:

      More so all the time, James. For me it goes beyond just seeing the world become exactly the way that Jesus and the prophets said it would in the Last Days.

      I suppose the best way to put it would be is that it is a kind of “tugging at my soul,” a growing sense that we believers are indeed, “short-timers” here in a world being consumed by evil at a pace and magnitude I have never seen in my 71 years down here.

      I’m definitely looking up!

  9. tinycat15 says:

    If I read this letter and I was someone who knew the Gospel, but didn’t believe before(obviously). This right here would make me stop reading the rest because it says I’m doomed anyway?

    “At the same time, God will allow strong delusion to come over all who heard the Gospel before the Rapture, but, fully understanding the offer of salvation, refused to accept Christ. These will believe the lies of Antichrist and Satan. (2 Thes. 2: 11-12)”

    My son knows the Gospel but does not believe. This is sad.

    • R Fara says:

      As do my son and my husband. My son allegedly accepted Christ and was baptized at 8 years old. Today at 49, he says he doesn’t know if he believes in God. How could that precious child who was so in love with Jesus now reject Him? This is a hard doctrine.

    • judic44312 says:

      It is sad…perhaps you might give him a copy of this now.

  10. Bob says:

    So many around me including loved ones that don’t believe that are lost. It saddens me it makes me cry as I type this comment. I pray and ask for prayer for God to burden their hearts to cry out to Him for salvation. I love you Lord and ask that You forgive me of my sins as I fall short daily. Thank You Jesus my Holy King.

  11. Beverly Richards says:

    I forwarded this to family members, believers and nonbelievers alike. One – to encourage believers to persevere and finish the race and Two – to reality-orient nonbelievers who think they have all the time in the world to make the decision to follow Christ. And yes, a copy will go on my fridge too. Happy New Year Jan and OTM!

  12. Dale Martin says:

    At the end of the first paragraph, the last word “happen,” should be past tense to make sense to me. I am just trying to help out.
    Dale Martin, niceez@gmail.com

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