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The Insanity Gene

Let me assure at the outset of today’s venture into the blogosphere, I by no means intend to be disparaging of or demeaning to those with hereditary or other mental disorders of any sort. It is spiritual health I refer by the use of the article’s title, not physical health.

That said, I state without reservation that there’s a growing insanity in this nation and world. It is hereditary in nature–rather, I should say, it is hereditary in the supernatural sense. The loss of normal sensibility becomes more apparent with each news cycle.

The cause of the insane condition is as ancient as the time of the first humans. Adam and Eve suffered the beginning of the spiritual mentality breakdown the moment Eve fell victim to Lucifer’s lies and Adam to his own choice to disobey God’s commandment not to eat of the fruit of the forbidden tree. All of their progeny have the infection God calls sin.

The gene that causes the insanity affects each and every one of us until the cure is accepted. We must receive that cure voluntarily, as surely as our human father Adam voluntarily received the deadly gene when he disobeyed his Creator’s warning.

The cure is, of course, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, and His sacrifice on the cross at Calvary. He died for the sin of humankind and resurrected to life so that all who believe this truth and accept Jesus’ cleansing blood are instantaneously healed of all unrighteousness–forever.

However—it’s sad to have to say—the vast majority of humanity throughout the ages have not accepted God’s cure—His belief system for salvation. Thus humanity remains untreated. And now, at this late prophetic hour, the spiritual insanity is manifesting in ways that cannot be missed.

One recent article makes the point.

In 2016, Ash Williams became pregnant for the first time. Williams wants to be a parent eventually — but he wasn’t ready for a child then. He didn’t know much about what an abortion entailed, and he needed a ride, so he called up a friend who drove him. When they got to the clinic, Williams, who is trans, remembers the people working there didn’t care enough to get his name right — using, instead, the name on his license. Never mind asking about pronouns. “Working with the actual provider was really [expletive deleted] up, too,” he says. “I just remember he didn’t say one word to me, and I felt sad about that.”

It’s all there, isn’t it? In a single paragraph, we have all of the most insane and insidious progressive views on display. There’s the fiction of the “pregnant man.” There’s the “pregnant man” getting an abortion — that is, a gender-dysphoric female having her child killed by an abortionist. There’s the fact that the abortion clinic staff is faulted not for facilitating feticide but for paying insufficient attention to pronouns…

It’s a potent, eye-watering ending to a profile that manages to showcase everything wrong with our culture in 2024. “Pregnant men.” “Abortion showers.” For that matter, “abortion doulas.” Celebrating someone for an abortion (“Congratulations — it’s dead!”) People “deserve” abortion. It reminds me of a line from Proverbs 8: “All those who hate Me love death.” (“‘Pregnant man’” becomes ‘abortion doula’ to assist others who want to kill their babies,” LifeSite, Jonathon Van Maren, 6/5/24)

When considering such as reported here, one’s end-times thinking might go to Paul’s 2 Timothy chapter 3 “perilous times” prophecy: “In the last days…they will be without natural affection…”.

Certainly nothing is more natural than a man being a man and a woman being a woman, unless it is a woman having a baby and wanting only to love and nurture that little one. Yet, today, a broad swath of humanity prefers the murder of millions and millions of babies in the wombs of their mothers–even up to the moment of birth, and in some cases, just beyond the actual birth.

For example, in listening to the Chris Plante Show one morning recently, I heard him report on those protesting at an abortion clinic who were arrested for blocking a young woman from going into the clinic.

Whether they actually did so or not, I don’t know, but the story told was that the young woman was on the floor in the last stage of giving birth. She was in heavy labor. She was going to the clinic for an abortion. The pro-abortionist prosecutors were charging the pro-life protesters with interfering with the birth of the young woman’s child (thus charged even though she was trying to get into the clinic to have her child murdered).

Is there any doubt, upon hearing report after report of such craziness, that the insanity gene inhabits humankind?

We consider again God’s Word on that insanity gene, its cause and effect:

And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient…” (Romans 1:28)

There is forgiveness for the heinous sins of abortion and homosexuality, as well as all other anti-godliness. Here is the cure for the insanity gene that rules the reprobate mind. It will cleanse and change all into the mind-likeness of Christ, which saves the soul and makes any person acceptable for dwelling with God in Heaven for eternity.

That if you will confess with your mouth the lord Jesus, and will believe in your heart that God has raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart man believes unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. (Romans 10:9–10)


  1. Tyler says:

    I have a son who is gay, Intelligent, arrogant, and always the victim. He has a mother my eX, who is on his side about everything. She listens to me until I start to point out our son’s problem and should expect issues. She turn on me.

    I talk to him all the time about JC and he rebukes me along with cussing me out occasionally. I bring up the fact that it is his sin that is causing his discombobulated life i.e. Reprobate mind. He instantly gets mad at me starting with insults then excuses and denials. Telling me how wrong I am.

    Yet His mother claims she is a Christian and saved. She wasn’t when we were together. She as her parents were devote Catholics just as her gay brother, married to another man.

    Yes I knew all this back when we got together but I was a young man with more physical traits than brains. As we grew/aged I realized what a mistake I had made and even tried to convince her Catholicism was/is a cult. Yet she would still constantly correct me and give excuses to her family and friends when I would speak from the Bible, as if I was insanely wrong not the other way around. Now, apart, she is married to a hard core alcoholic and tells me of her salvation. I am happy for her but don’t see it. She drinks as much as he does and thinks the same as she always has.

    Back to my son. Nothing but problems that she just ignores, nor helps with. I try and help as much as possible, but it is tough when he is an outspoken, egotistical victim who just happens to be gay.

    To the point this article hits home and is simply a reminder that we all have our issues. They wont go away till He comes for us. I feels deeply for him and his plight Mostly his destination. But my oldest although he had his problems is back on track and a believer in our Lord and savior Jesus.

    • standingontruth27 says:

      Sorry for your situation…Continue to pray for your son….Remember when “gay”, used to mean happy; what an oxymoron, most are not happy at all….Changing the meaning of words, comes from the father of all lies…. God set the rainbow in the sky, saying, He would never flood the earth again….And now, a whole month of “pride”?….Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall….Proverbs 16:18….Fall and sinful man…These are all end of days signs…Maranatha!

    • Ed Wood says:

      All you can do is to put the information out there, along with the evidence that bears it out. However someone chooses to deal it is on them, so, please don’t feel guilty when you are not successful in turning someone toward the truth.

      Remember, that despite all the miracles that Jesus did, it still wasn’t enough for most of the people of his own time – and he’s GOD!! If people won’t believe Almighty God Himself, this shows you what we poor, flawed mortals are up against.

      What we are dealing with these days is Ephesians 6:12 manifested wherein the spiritual forces of darkness are increasingly intruding into our realm causing physical effects. Romans 1 bears this out very clearly.

      Consider this: If it is this bad now, just imagine the post-Rapture world where there is no restrainer limiting Satan’s power.

      As I said, you’ve done your part. Paul, when he wasn’t making headway with his own Jewish people, decided it was time to move to on to the Gentiles, many of whom WOULD end up listening and being saved (Acts 13:44-48).

      There just comes a time when should move on, difficult though that might be.

    • gbowman382 says:

      I feel your pain Tyler. My advice as a 77 year old with some family members in our family tree who are gay and all of the other things you mention, keep praying and don’t harp. It’s counterproductive. Easier said then done Tyler. Believe me, I know what you are going thru sir. Keep praying for them let the Holy Spirit convict them now. Many people may have had a very traumatic experience in their life to cause them to curse God. Show them in your demeanor you still love them as Jesus still loves us as wretched as all of fallen mankind is. For your consideration. Prayers!!!

    • jodyel says:

      Good advice from everyone here. I do not have any gay relatives but all nieces/nephews are unsaved and living ungodly lifestyles. I pray and pray and pray some more. When/if I see them, I edify and uplift them so far as I can and gently call out the ungodliness. I love them all dearly and lift them up in prayer constantly. But for the grace of God go I. I was also once living the same lifestyle they are now. My godly grandmother prayed for me and here I am after 30 years of walking with the Lord, saved and sure. It takes time and results are not instantaneous so don’t give up. God hears and will bring about change in His own good time. God love you and God bless you, Tyler.

  2. robinlinaz says:

    God said in Jeremiah 19:5 “They have built the high places of Baal to burn their sons (children) in the fire as burnt offerings to Baal, which I did not command or decree, nor did it ever enter into my mind.”

    And now we have abortion doulas, and abortions showers??? I recoil, hearing of these things, and understand they can only be conjured up by insane and reprobate minds. The level of human depravity without Godly submission knows no depths. The Tribulation will be a horror show of evil and suffering we can’t comprehend…and thank you Lord that we won’t have to.

    Last night I saw a Facebook post from a girlfriend of over 50 years, dressed up in a bridal costume and attending a well-attended, exclusive party with her husband called “Here Comes the Pride.” She is traveling the world, living a pretty decadent lifestyle and believes she has everything figured out. It’s clear she feels she is living out her best life now and is enjoying great rewards for her tolerance and ‘love’. What she can’t see is an eternity coming that is ghastly. She is like the majority of those who are blind and take the broad road to destruction. I continue to pray for her.

    It is sickening how lost the word has become. As I’ve mentioned before, last Christmas Eve our solidly middle-class family suffered the murder-suicide of a mother and grandmother, by a man, a financially successful lawyer, who was deeply alcoholic. He lost his temper at a Christmas party in his home (he was the boyfriend of the mother) slaughtering her and her 85-year-old mom right in front of his children, and others who were attending. I wish this was a rare story, but these make the headlines for a day or so and are replaced by similar stories. Insanity is spreading across the globe.

    Combine unredeemed and confused flesh with alcohol and drugs, then add in some rage and pride (pride comes in many forms) and the outcome is sadly predictable.

    Signs of the times. I used to naively believe we weren’t as bad as Sodom and Gomorrah, because thousands of men aren’t surrounding homes, demanding to have sex with the male inhabitants (at least not that I am aware of, but nothing surprises me any longer.) Nevertheless, we have invented other forms of widespread and egregious sins. Technology has enabled our depravity to go global, rather than remain localized. In my mind we are actually worse than Sodom and Gomorrah as all forms of unimaginable sin are now everywhere.

    I read and know my Bible, and therefore, by the grace of His Spirit, have been granted a decent understanding of God’s laws, His nature and His plans. Mankind is playing fast and loose with the Force of the Universe and Beyond, testing Him, mocking Him and daring Him to reveal Himself. They have no fear of God; our modern churches and religions have reduced Him to a lovey-dovey, universalist wimp. They don’t know Him, respect Him, or believe in Him. But they will, very soon.

    It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the Living God.

    • jodyel says:

      I struggle with an unmedicated brain with the primary emotion of rage. I purposely do not purchase or keep weapons around because what if? My rage manifests itself verbally though not physically and, every once in awhile, I have a meltdown and just have to let it out. It’s not a pretty sight. So I keep myself to myself so that no one else needs to be affected by it. I dare not take a chance on having guns though. I could not guarantee what might happen in my rage. I’d like to think the Holy Spirit would keep me from doing anything horrible but am still not going to take that chance. So far, I have never needed weapons and have always lived safely. And that is what I will continue to do. God love you and keep you, robin.

      • robinlinaz says:

        Thank you Jodyel, it is good that you know your limitations. That in itself is proof of the Spirit working in you!

        What a motley crew we are without Jesus, eh?! Every one of us, and yet we are saved by the blood of our Lord.

        How marvelous it will be when we are glorified and like Him, never to sin again and always live in His presence. The hope we have can not be matched by anything the world offers.

        Love and hugs to you as well!

      • Ed Wood says:

        Hi, Jody.

        I just read your comment about your own anger and, as you can see in a comment I wrote to Robin, I have the same problem! I have never owned firearms myself for the same reason. I had a lousy childhood and I figure this is where it all started. Added to the mix was getting stiffed throughout my life by people I thought I could trust.

        Even so, I, thankfully, was never a bully, even though I could easily have been as I grew older. In fact, seeing people victimized by those stronger than themselves really bothers me because I was often the on the receiving end of that growing up. When I got older I made a point to build myself up and even now at 72 with some health issues, I’m still fairly strong physically.

        I am amazed that God has not given up on me even though I have let him down and fallen so many times. Just incredible!

        So, my friend, you are not alone in having to deal with this issue and you have acted wisely in recognizing it and not letting it win!

        God bless!

  3. Ed Wood says:

    Hi, Robin.

    I am sorry to hear of the awful things which have occurred in your family. Just terrible.

    In Romans 7, Paul is very candid about his daily struggle with his dark nature. We all have it, in one way or another, passed on from our original parents. The first time I read Romans 7, I realized that my own battle with evil was not unique.

    Thanks to God, I am free of alcohol and nicotine, but I still have a smoldering anger never too far from the surface and I can’t remember a time it wasn’t there.

    I mention this because what I see is this same kind of anger and darkness beginning to break forth on a global scale without the restraint that only God can provide and which helps me deal with it, though, admittedly, not always with success – and this is my fault, not God’s .

    The thing is, one has to admit to this problem and ask God to help.

    The world refuses to admit it has a problem and, because of that, will never ask for help which it doesn’t even realize it needs. Even worse, most of this world refuses to acknowledge the God of scripture even exists, so it continually makes its own in its own fallen and flawed image.

    A 360-degree turn of the head shows the results.

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