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Catalyst for Cataclysm

There continues to be anxiety over the political chasm now dividing this nation. And the schism involves much more than politics. There has developed a separation of worldview unlike any yet known in this nation.

We have all heard, particularly as of late, Lincoln’s words reflecting off Jesus’ declaration that “a house divided cannot stand.” Yet these United States, clearly a house not so united, as this presidential election showed, continues to not only stand, but seemingly is on the brink of entering boom-times, economically speaking at least.

For a number of years leading up to the 2016 presidential election, America appeared to be a nation more and more moving toward unification. From our perspective on the Christian right, however, that coming together looked to be leading to disaster for religious freedom. Not only was religious liberty being cast aside, we thought, but all vestiges of morality and constitutional principles were being trashed at every turn. The libertines were having their way and hope to ever regain our national sanity seemed all but lost.

Those who prefer America detached from moorings the founding fathers provided, like most of those of us who love this nation as founded, thought the political left had won the presidency–that is, they thought they had won right up until late that night when poll results proved the opposite. The rage–the insanity–hasn’t stopped since that moment of epiphany.

The progressives were certain they had won the day and that now Bob Dylan’s lyrics, taken from the poetry of his self-chosen namesake, Dylan Thomas, were proving prophetic.

Come mothers and fathers
Throughout the land
And don’t criticize
What you can’t understand
Your sons and your daughters
Are beyond your command
Your old road is
Rapidly agin’.
Please get out of the new one
If you can’t lend your hand
For the times they are a-changin’.

The line it is drawn
The curse it is cast
The slow one now
Will later be fast
As the present now
Will later be past
The order is
Rapidly fadin’.
And the first one now
Will later be last
For the times they are a-changin’.

The oft-quoted mantra during the Woodstock era was about to find its declaration chiseled upon the marbled, governmental walls of earth’s only superpower. “Do not go gentle into that sweet good night. Rage, rage, for the times they are a-changin’.”

The “rage,” as I said, is still raging. The losers of the election–the principals, Mrs. Clinton and Mr. Obama–are reportedly leading the charge from the shadows with their opposition community organization efforts, in collusion with the so-called deep state. The manufactured, paid-for, rage is manifest in Republican town hall meetings across the nation.

I continue to maintain that it is the satanically engendered, globalist agenda that is driving the rage. George Soros funding is unabashedly admitted by the liberal side to be adding inspirational fire to the vitriol and anger. America must be brought under control of the one-world minions. The Trump victory jolted the new world architects’ incessant drive to knock America off its constitutional foundation.

The new president, with each mention of rolling back regulations, of reformulating tax structures to make things more friendly to the business world and to middle class taxpayers, inspires the financial markets to record heights. Rather than America and the world collapsing into the deepest depression in history like many experts were predicting, the economic indicators are soaring in the opposite direction.

We are now heading into fiscal territory that is like that prophesied by Jesus. The Lord said the buying, selling, building, etc., would be going along quite nicely at the time he next catastrophically intervenes into the wicked affairs of mankind. I’m convinced that those times of buying, selling, building, etc., were referring not to just “business as usual,” but to a coming boom that is unprecedented.

So, we have all of the major elements in view that Jesus predicted when foretelling what the times of His next intervention into human affairs would involve.

He said the nations would be “in distress with perplexity.” The “seas and waves” (people of the nations) would be “roaring.” He said that people will, at the same time, be buying, selling, building, planting, and marrying. It will be a “think not” generation at the time of Christ’s sudden intervention, according to Matthew 24:44.

World conditions will be just like in the days of Noah and the days of Lot. It will be in the midst of this time of both anxiety and apparent affluence that He will suddenly and catastrophically break in on an unsuspecting world.

We are, I firmly believe, swiftly entering into just such a time. The Rapture of the Church will be, I’m convinced, the catalyst for cataclysm for those left behind.


  1. john mills says:

    Gday Mate Another timely post!!!.Just had a piece on FB about the “Alleged Coup” and that the one involved was arrested attempting to leave [under a disguise no doubt].Maybe another false news item??.Any way Terry ….things are really fitting into place “like never before” on the World Scene. Anyone not interested in Bible Study will never understand “Whats really goin on”. Bless Ya My Friend and Brother John Mills [Down Under].

  2. SRB says:

    Those are encouraging words to those who are watching and waiting for the Lord’s return. I can see and feel the chaos. There is definitely a dividing of our country and world into black and white. Good and Evil. Common sense and total debauchery, lawlessness and foolishness. These times are a warning from the Lord to those who have eyes to see and ears to hear. It’s so important to read the Bible and know the truth. There’s deception around every corner.

    Your book Rapture Ready or Not? is a book every Christian should read…it’s hard to put it down.

    Thanks for being our watchman

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