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Monthly Archives: November 2020

Lawlessness on Display

It comes as no surprise that, as we move ever deeper into the last of the last days, a foreshadow of the coming man of lawlessness can be seen in the latest doings of New York Governor Andrew Cuomo.

He has commanded that all worship services be severely limited in attendance, and that other draconian restrictions be put into place, ostensibly because of the supposed resurgence in the number of cases of COVID-19. I say “supposed” because there is growing evidence that the numbers are greatly overestimated and that lockdowns, like masks, do little to slow the coronavirus spread. And, experts say, the increases in case numbers are highly inaccurate.

More and more, the “pandemic” is looking to be a disease ginned up mostly for political purposes. Considering all of the other shenanigans, as they’re being called (I don’t like that word because it makes the voter fraud and other deception taking place seem less evil), we can conclude with good reason that it’s all setting the stage for Antichrist to come forth.

In Cuomo’s reaction to the US Supreme Court’s decision that his shutdowns are unconstitutional, he dismissed the legal decision by the land’s highest court as “irrelevant.” This attitude is indicative of the left’s political rebellion against any lawful rendering that goes against its agenda. In this case, the governor’s agenda includes his self-declared right to put himself above the law. This, by any term or definition, is lawlessness. The following story gives more detail.

Update (1338ET): Responding to the Supreme Court’s 5-4 decision to block New York from setting capacity limits at houses of worship during the pandemic, Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D) said the ruling was “irrelevant.”

During a Thanksgiving Day conference call with reporters, Cuomo said the order was moot because the religious institutions involved in the lawsuit are no longer in designated red and orange zones in Queens and Brooklyn—therefore the restrictions, capping attendance at houses of worship—no longer apply.

“The Supreme Court made a ruling. It’s more illustrative of the Supreme Court than anything else,” said Cuomo (via the NY Post), while knocking the Supreme Court’s (arguably) conservative bias given the addition of Justice Amy Coney Barrett.

“It’s irrelevant of any practical impact because of the zone they were talking about is moot. It expired last week,” he added. “It doesn’t have any practical effect.” (“Cuomo Calls Supreme Court Ruling on Churches ‘Irrelevant’” by Tyler Durden, Zero Hedge, November 27, 2020)

While technically, Cuomo is correct in that the Brooklyn zone he had demanded be locked down is no longer in the red zone as part of his edict, the attitude that his law supersedes the supreme law of the nation is at the heart of the lawlessness we’re suffering. It’s the same for all rebelliousness of this troubled day. Nearly half of the country believes that doing what is right in their own eyes should supersede not just the law of the land, but the Supreme Law—that of the God of Heaven.

Nothing could make this truth more manifest than the voting-fraud schemes that are attempting to steal the election in terms of the presidency. Every conceivable tool available to the principalities and powers in the dark wickedness of high places are being used to defraud the electorate. The Democrat Party, social media, Silicon Valley-run businesses, and mainstream media–every establishment tool has been in play to make sure their candidate steals this election.

To my way of thinking, in terms of human help, this president has two powerful things going for him in facing down the whole world of resistance coming at him: 1) The millions upon millions of prayers going up before the throne of God; and 2) his unprecedented support of God’s chosen people and nation, Israel. No chief executive has done more to honor and back Israel’s right to exist among the nations of the world. These things must count mightily in God’s holy eyes.

The Lord of Heaven has made the vow, and His Word is absolute truth.

Now the LORD had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father’s house, unto a land that I will shew thee: And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing: And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed. (Genesis 12:1–3)

Two Scripture passages that might harbor a huge impact on the matters before us in the upcoming days are the following: 2 Chronicles 7:14 and Genesis 12: 1–3.


Please listen to the following program. It is most informative about the on-going evil being perpetrated in the election process and beyond. It is an hour long, but worth every second of your time.

Blockbuster Interview by Brannon Howse with General Flynn, Lt. General McInerney, and Mary Fanning



Division and the Two-Edged Sword

The monumental film produced by Cecil B. DeMille, The Ten Commandments, continues to carom within the memories of those still living who first saw it on the silver screen. The movie continues to be shown around the Christian holidays and it is still a magnificent production even on the projected image screens of television.

Who could forget the very finger of God as portrayed in the film as lightning from Heaven, carving the Ten Commandments for conducting life on this fallen planet upon the tables of stone?

While Moses fearfully cowered, scarcely looking up, the mountainside exploded as the tablets was cut out of the stone with Heavenly, Surgical precision. Charlton Heston, as Moses, then very tentatively picked the tablets from their place and followed God’s Directive to return to the Israelite people below. They were greatly engaged in sin, the Lord told Moses.

Heston (Moses) came to the base camp where the thousands and thousands of Israelites were in an unbridled orgy. Naked and dancing around the golden calf they had fashioned for worship, the site was cutting-edge film-making for that early period of movie production.

Moses was heart-broken to see the people in such a debauched state. He was more angered than heart-broken, however. Heston as Moses screamed at the people for their evil doings. He shouted, as I remember, “Choose you this day whom you will serve!” He called for those who were with Him to come to his side.

Moses then divided the masses of people, many of whom hurriedly moved, terror-stricken, to his side. Others remained defiant and stayed where they were in order to continue their debauchery and golden calf worship.

Moses anger arose to an even greater level and raised the tablets carved by the Hand of God and flung them at the crowd of unbelieving rebels. We remember how the earth began to shake and crumble in front of the defiant mass of people. The earth gave way beneath them and the earth swallowed them all.

The Lord had used His man, Moses, to divide those who Believed from those who would never believe, no matter what the circumstances. Even when they saw the magnificent Hand of God in dividing the Red Sea so they could pass through, saw the pillar of cloud by day and the pillar of fire by night to guide them, they wouldn’t believe. That is, they might have head knowledge, but not Heart/Spirit Knowledge of Who God Is. Neither did they want to know.

There is a division taking place even as I write this and you read it. And, God is again using a man, I believe, to divide those who will Believe from those who will not Believe in His Way of comportment for humankind –for His Only Way for the Salvation of the souls of lost mankind.

Donald J. Trump –certainly no Moses, in character, and not having handed to him Commandments directly from God’s Throne— none-the-less is chosen. In the vein of Nebuchadnezzar and Cyrus, he is chosen to separate the wheat from the tares, the sheep from the goats, so to speak.

He has been a divisive figure in America’s political realm and in a culture like none other president with the exception of Lincoln. And, Lincoln was chosen, but, obviously for a different purpose, although for a purpose as important in the sense of human freedom.

Trump’s purpose, in my view…well… trumps that of Lincoln in his advocating for Israel, anti-abortion and Constitutional rights with regard to religious freedom.

Now I fully realize that unless your view is Biblical and from the point of view that God is Hands-on and not existential, you see as foolish our believing that these tremendous upheavals of culture we have endured stem from spiritual chaos. –I understand that in your thinking, the so-called revolution represented by the likes of BLM and Antifoam and the raging hatred against Trump and against our wanting things to be back to America as founded is righteous revolutionary action.

And this is where the division is at the moment. It is a schism running smack down the middle of the United States of America. There are decisions to be made upon the political spectrum, and people for the most part have made it.

But it is the Spiritual elements within the American cultural and societal dividing line –that national earthquake fault line where lies the true danger in these troublous times. It is God who Defines where to stand on either side of that fault line.

Now I am fully aware that the story of Moses coming down from the mountain, finding the evil, and acting as God’s Hand of Judgment in slamming the tablets of Law into the fault line of that time involved His Dealing with His chosen people, Israel. But His Dealing with Israel, the Bible tells us in total context of His making Israel His chosen nation, was to place before the eyes of the world a prototype people. These are the people He Chose to serve as an example for the rest of the world’s nations to, in general, comport themselves. So in that regard, God’s Righteous Anger still arises –and against all peoples—when evil reaches its final stages.

There comes a time that a dividing line is drawn –an earthquake fault line of sorts is defined for the whole world to see.

It is my contention that that moment might be upon us now. There is a distinct line of division down the middle of America at present. God has dealt with Israel and America in special ways, I believe. The two nations’ close links since Israel’s rebirth –indeed, America’s amazing history of birth and extraordinary achievements as Apex nation of history is nothing short of Heaven Directed.

So the chaos, created by the rebels who want to do what is right in their own eyes –like the golden calf worshippers of antiquity, has great relevance, I’m convinced. The Lord of Heaven is deliberately making manifest the division between those who will come to Him and those who are diametrically opposed to His Governance.

Trump, unwittingly, I have no doubt, is a type of Moses, in that process of saying symbolically, Choose you this day whom you will serve”. –Or at least “Choose you this day Whom you will not oppose.”

God’s Word, the Bible, has the only TRUTH that exists. In that love letter to mankind, the Creator has given all that is needed to go through life in the Way He has Prescribed. It is a Blueprint for life more Abundant, and full of Light to illuminate dark pathways. Jesus is that Light of the world. He is also the Living Word. Here is what that Word tells us about division in God’s Holy View.

“For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.” (Hebrews4: 12)

Millennia and DNA separates those people of Moses day from our time. But God’s Ways change not in the ultimate sense. We can take the God-Inspired Words of Scripture and apply them at this very hour. There is a separation coming. The Spiritual fault line and the historical dividing line are before us. It is time to choose.

And if it seem evil unto you to serve the LORD, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.” (Joshua 24: 15)


We are informed that our new book “LAWLESS: The End Times War Against the Spirit of Antichrist” has only one review on Amazon.

It is a one star review by a person who admits to not having read the book and is obviously an effort to downplay this book. Believe me, this is probably the best, most timely and relevant book of our times for what’s going on.

I ask all our RR folks and blog followers to put reviews on the book on Amazon as soon as possible to knock down this effort to make anything about things from God’s holy perspective look not worthwhile.

Please do this in great numbers and ASAP.

Thanks and Blessings.

Here is the link to AMAZON

Thoughts on “Reset”

Sense of an impending something-or-the-other is palpable. That is, something big is up, and is building toward something else that’s monumental.

Never, as I’ve said before, have we experienced what we’re experiencing now in this nation–and in this world.

There is a great dividing of people on one side or the other, politically and in many other ways. Things, some say, have changed forever with the COVID-19 imposition upon this generation. And, it is indeed an “imposition” in my view, and, I believe, in the view of the Sovereign God of Heaven.

The pandemic came from out of nowhere to shut down practically every industrialized nation in every way imaginable. The imposition afflicted all—from the youngest (students who were no longer allowed to attend school) to the oldest (who were told not to venture outside our homes if we didn’t want to die). The great coronavirus imposition was thrust upon America and other nations, and was done so by a conglomerate governmental and media (national and international) cabal that told us we would shut down, wear masks, and no longer associate with one another in close proximity. Some restrictions have been mandated by threat of incarceration and fines.

To the keen observer—and I believe even by the obtuse who are willingly ignorant—it has become obvious that the whole thing has been to bring down a president who opposes the internationalist ring of wickedness in high places—the globalists-elite who are determined to bring on a changed world order.

And this is where we think a bit on the so-called reset that we’re beginning to hear more and more about in these days surrounding the tumultuous 2020 election process.

I find as absolutely valid the letter with which many readers of this article will no doubt be familiar. It was written to President Donald J. Trump by a Catholic archbishop.

Rarely do I agree with anything of a Catholic nature, but this involves things of geopolitical importance more than with theological viewpoint. This gentleman is right on the money so far as I’m concerned in his definition and analysis of everything surrounding what is happening while the globalist minions, both human and demonic, strive to bring about another Babel—a global order that is contrary to the God of Heaven in every way possible.

I will use his definition of this “reset” as put forth in his letter to our president. Forgive the length of the excerpt, but I think it necessary to explain.

A global plan called the Great Reset is underway. Its architect is a global élite that wants to subdue all of humanity, imposing coercive measures with which to drastically limit individual freedoms and those of entire populations. In several nations this plan has already been approved and financed; in others it is still in an early stage. Behind the world leaders who are the accomplices and executors of this infernal project, there are unscrupulous characters who finance the World Economic Forum and Event 201, promoting their agenda.

The purpose of the Great Reset is the imposition of a health dictatorship aiming at the imposition of liberticidal measures, hidden behind tempting promises of ensuring a universal income and cancelling individual debt. The price of these concessions from the International Monetary Fund will be the renunciation of private property and adherence to a program of vaccination against Covid-19 and Covid-21 promoted by Bill Gates with the collaboration of the main pharmaceutical groups. Beyond the enormous economic interests that motivate the promoters of the Great Reset, the imposition of the vaccination will be accompanied by the requirement of a health passport and a digital ID, with the consequent contact tracing of the population of the entire world. Those who do not accept these measures will be confined in detention camps or placed under house arrest, and all their assets will be confiscated…

[The great reset] will be activated between the end of this year and the first trimester of 2021…

For this purpose, further lockdowns are planned, which will be officially justified by a supposed second and third wave of the pandemic…. You are well aware of the means that have been deployed to sow panic and legitimize draconian limitations on individual liberties, artfully provoking a world-wide economic crisis. In the intentions of its architects, this crisis will serve to make the recourse of nations to the Great Reset irreversible, thereby giving the final blow to a world whose existence and very memory they want to completely cancel. (Carlo Maria Vigano, Archbishop of Ulpiana, Open letter to the President of the United States Donald J. Trump, Sunday October 25, 2020)

The letter writer has framed very well the reset, which I believe is a blueprint by Satan himself. I believe they (the minions, both human and demonic) are doing their dead-level best to implement this hellish plan the moment this presidential election is determined.

And that’s the rub for them. The presidential election is yet unsettled. It is obvious that the Lord is still in the business of restraining evil and unbridled lawlessness (2 Thessalonians chapter 2).

The prayers of His saints are a major part of that restraint.

The satanic plan will at some point be implemented, and it will eventuate in the rise of Antichrist—but not as long as those who constitute the Church of Jesus Christ remain part of this nation and world.

The Rapture of all who belong to Christ will be the greatest “Reset” possible, bringing in the Day of the LORD and the Tribulation, followed by Christ’s triumphant return.

“And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war. His eyes were as a flame of fire, and on his head were many crowns; and he had a name written, that no man knew, but he himself. And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and his name is called The Word of God. And the armies which were in heaven followed him upon white horses, clothed in fine linen, white and clean.” (Revelaiton 19:11–14)

***Important program; please listen***

This interview with Lin Wood, the attorney who is working closely with Trump attorney Sidney Powell, I believe gets right to the heart of this battle with spiritual wickedness in high places. Believe me, you will be glad you listened. You will have to get past the first few minutes in which he talks about defending the 17-year-old boy charged with murder for shooting attackers in self-defense. But then Mr. Wood lays out exactly where it is all going, spiritually, politically, and with the election.

Here’s the video:

Salt, Light, and the Spirit of Antichrist

We’ve looked a number of times at Jesus’ words about the very end of the age. The Lord told us in very specific terms that it will be like the days of Noah and the days of Lot at the exact moment He will again intervene—catastrophically—into things going on in a world in rebellion against God.

Ezekiel the prophet clues us a bit on that generation of Sodomites, who had moved so far away from God that destruction was the only remedy possible. God told Ezekiel to report the following:

Behold, this was the iniquity of thy sister Sodom, pride, fullness of bread, and abundance of idleness was in her and in her daughters, neither did she strengthen the hand of the poor and needy. And they were haughty, and committed abomination before me: therefore I took them away as I saw good. (Ezekiel 16: 49–50)

Sodom had reached the point that every form of debauchery was carried on, perversion of the most disgusting sort being the norm rather than the exception. The sexual immorality had progressed to the ultimate deviancy, marking the city and the people for destruction by the forces of Heaven.

Sodom was living the high life in economic terms. As a matter of fact, Abraham’s nephew, Lot, saw its prosperity and chose to move there when his uncle gave him the choice. Lot became deeply involved in the city’s government and commerce. He was, we believe, a judge who held court at the city gate, as was the way of government of the time.

The ease of life and the leisure time provided for its citizens, God told Ezekiel, led to pride, self-sufficiency, and gluttony, with no regard for those truly in need. The people were therefore haughty, and their sin-corrupted senses, they were led into abominable sexual evil before the holy eyes of God.

Lot was caught up in the stream of the city’s rebellious activities, but he was considered “just” by the Lord, we see from the account given in Genesis chapter 19. When Abraham was told by the Lord He would destroy Sodom and Gomorrah, Abraham pleaded for Him to relent. Abraham said there had to be righteous people in the cities—those people would make it worth saving the cities from destruction.

We know God agreed to spare the doomed cities if just ten righteous people could be found. He then decreased that number until, when no righteous person besides Lot could be found, Abraham gave up and no doubt agreed that God had no other choice.

Lot, as representing God’s light in the sin-darkened Sodom, no longer was enough of an influence to provide hope of saving illumination, so Lot was removed from the city to Zoar. Judgment then fell that very day and destroyed everyone in the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah.

Jesus, in the Olivet Discourse, foretold that it will be exactly like that again: God’s judgment will fall in one day at the time in this generation when His cup of wrath is full.

The question is: How near are we to that time?

No matter which direction we look, we see evil proliferating. The Church of Jesus Christ is the salt and the light in this darkening world. We Christians, indwelled by the Holy Spirit—the Light Bearer—are all that stands between the total evil of this world and God’s judgment and wrath. The Lord said the following:

Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt have lost his savour, wherewith shall it be salted? it is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot of men. Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid. Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven. (Matthew 5: 13–16)

The spirit of Antichrist is manifesting in physical outbreaks. The evil is no longer hiding just beneath the surface of civility. Proponents of rebellion against every godly principle are attacking the Bible and true Christians in a way that makes headline news on an hourly basis.

We are—as I like to say in using the KJV vernacular—sorely vexed, just as the righteous Lot was in Sodom.

The New York governor just gave orders to shut down worship in his state, or limit it to completely keep congregations out of houses of worship. It is the same in many of the Democrat-run cities and states, like California, for example.

If the election goes in a direction other than that we as God’s people are praying, it will likely be a short time to the implementation of anti-God measures to protect through law the Sodomite activity that caused God to finally say to those cities, “Enough is enough.”

Norway is victim of the prototype government that is coming to America and the world, unless the Lord sees otherwise.

Norway’s parliament has voted to expand the protections that the LGBTQ community has enjoyed in that nation since 1981 by expanding the definition of “hate speech” that can land a person in prison.

Reuters reported Norway already was among the “most liberal countries in Europe” on the issue, “allowing trans people to legally change gender without a medical diagnosis” and more…

Now those found guilty of hate speech face a fine or up to a year in prison for private remarks, and a maximum of three years for public comments.

Monica Maeland, minister of justice, said transgendered people are “an exposed group when it comes to discrimination, harassment and violence.”…

“LGBTQ+ ideology has been mainstreamed in every sphere of life imaginable. Still, radical gender activists will not be at rest until every private citizen repudiates biological truth and relinquishes his every doubt about their dogma.”

Reuters noted that under the penal code, “people charged with violent crimes can receive harsher sentences if a judge decides their actions were motivated by someone’s sexual orientation or gender identity.” (“Norway criminalizes private criticism of LGTBQ people, Adopts law imposing punishment of up to a year in prison,” By WND Staff, WorldNetDaily, November 14, 2020)

The Antichrist spirit is becoming almost tangible as we watch the lawlessness explode across our nation and the world. Nonetheless, we, as God’ salt and light, are here at the most exciting time in human history. It’s exciting because the Lord is, we believe, on the brink of calling His ambassadors home.

Our just-released book, LAWLESS: The End-Times War Against the Spirit of Antichristpresents, through seventeen top prophecy experts, just how near that time of Rapture must be, based on the rebellion exploding across America and the world.

But, Jesus Christ, who is infinitely greater than Satan or his coming Antichrist, isn’t taken by surprise by all of this end-of-the-age evil. He will prevail. And so will we who are called by His Holy Name!

Terry James’ Brand-New Book: LAWLESS: The End-Times War Against the Spirit of Antichrist

Peaceful protests with legitimate reasons behind them were viciously swept aside by violent anarchists. We have endured watching rebellion rise to the point of burning down cities, and even murder. There is now a fury to destroy every foundational principle upon which America was founded.

Thugs, in the name of racial inequality, they speciously proclaim,  destroyed statues—even of the Great Emancipator, Abraham Lincoln. It is rage that defies all reason.

Black neighborhoods in particular were in flames while anarchists destroyed their businesses and livelihoods. Looters robbed and pillaged at will, as the rioters and arsonists demand that police forces be dismantled.

The same political party that, in many cases, champions the insanity runs the very cities and states where the damage is most horrific. Their mayors and governors refuse federal help in putting down the insurrection—and that’s the only way to describe the evil being perpetrated by the lawless among us.

Today, chaos and turmoil inflame daily life within the fever of uncertainty. Geopolitical, cultural, and societal upheaval rip at the heart of America and the world.

Much of humanity is in a state of uncontrollable anger, while an infinitesimally small enemy—visible only under powerful microscopes—holds populations in its fear-paralyzing, pandemic grip.

LAWLESS: The End-Times War Against the Spirit of Antichrist is an intensely focused volume that answers questions about what’s really going on in these volatile, inexplicably strange times.

What does it all mean? Why such a divide? Why such anger and hatred? People want to know answers, and the answer is spiritual. It’s all there in Bible prophecy. The tumult altogether constitutes a major indicator of how near we are to the end of this age—the Age of Grace.

Deniers of man-made climate change that is purported to be destroying planet earth are accused of blaspheming the religion of Mother Earth worship. Such denial prevents the globalists-elite from bringing their long-prophesied changed world order to fruition.

But it is the lawless deniers of the God of Heaven within that globalist cabal who actually foment the chaos and rebellion that’s exploding across this troubled sphere. The spirit of Antichrist more and more rules in the hearts and minds of end-times mankind.

Seventeen writers, each steeped in spiritually attuned insights gleaned from God’s prophetic Word, expertly probe the issues and events of today—ones that almost without question point to the imminence of Christ’s return.

These broadcasters, writers, teachers, and pastors deal in depth with where this generation stands on God’s prophetic timeline.

Wilfred Hahn, Jan Markell, Daymond Duck, Dr. Larry Spargimino, Tom Hoffman, Nathan E. Jones, Ryan Pitterson, Randy Nettles, Todd Strandberg, Jonathan Brentner, Pete Garcia, Don McGee, Mike Gendron, Tom Hughes, Jim Fletcher, Dr. David Reagan—each of these contribute Spirit-filled insight about where this generation stands, and what to expect next while the end of the Age of Grace unfolds.

You will again and again pour over the pages of this volume dedicated to providing Spirit-directed understanding of these troubling—although exciting—times. We say “exciting,” because all of this exploding lawlessness means almost certainly that the Lord Himself is about to step out on the clouds of glory and shout “Come up here!” (Revelation 4: 1).

To order LAWLESS: The End Times War Against the Spirit of Antichrist at Defender Publishing and receive a large number of items–including books—absolutely FREE, go to the following:

The Messenger Grand Giveaway

To order LAWLESS: The End Times War Against the Spirit of Antichrist at Amazon, go to the following:


Lawlessness Abounding

I was listening to John Schneider—movie, TV, and recording star—on NewsMax, now my channel as opposed to Fox for TV news programs. Schneider said some things I certainly agreed with.

He and the NewsMax host discussed the election process and the tremendous amount of cheating the mounting evidence is beginning to present, even though mainstream news types—including those on my former favorite, Fox—have declared Joe Biden president-elect. Fact is, as of this writing, Mr. Biden is nowhere near being officially the president-elect. The electors can’t even be seated from each state until the matters being investigated and adjudicated run their course.

But, in one area of all this blatantly false narrative by the pro-Biden news outlets that are supposed to be unbiased (don’t laugh too much), we can find a silver lining.

The anarchists, the arsonists, the looters, the destroyers of businesses, and even the murderers of police personnel and others are relatively tranquil. They believe Biden has won and they are waiting to celebrate.

Some among the side who voted for Biden have celebrated in the streets, but for the most part have been peaceful. But the looters and destructive elements lurk somewhere just below the surface of civility. We received many reports of stockpiled quantities of bricks and other objects to be thrown, as well as other weaponry, in case Biden didn’t win.

John Schneider has come far from being the rebel-rousing, General Lee-driving Bo Duke character on The Dukes of Hazzard. He eloquently assessed what the nation faces regarding the proliferation of lawlessness leading up to presidential election 2020.

Schneider said that he wasn’t nervous or too concerned about the status of things. He very much believes that the president will, when all is said and done, be shown to be the president for four more years. He and the host went through the many technical reasons involving the voting process and the many checks and balances to prevent the other side from getting away with the obvious fraud being perpetrated. But he added that one thing gives him a great deal of reason for concern.

Like many of us who have endured the reports of the evil being inflicted, particularly in major cities, Schneider said he is extremely worried about what will happen when the election goes the other way after the final accounting. He believes, as do most of us, that we will see an explosion of lawlessness the likes of which has never been seen in our nation—not even the previous lawlessness leading up to this election.

This, however, shouldn’t come as surprise, regardless of how the final results turn out. This nation and world is in for unprecedented lawlessness, according to the words of the greatest of all prophets, who just happens to be God, Himself.

His words as recorded in the KJV are: “And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold” (Matthew 24:12).

Another version is more appropriate to our understanding of these times so near the end of this wicked age: “And because lawlessness shall prevail, the love of the most shall grow cold.”

The word “iniquity” simply means “lawlessness.” It is a synonym that in biblical terms means lawlessness of a serious spiritual nature. Jesus was foretelling a time when there would be lawlessness of a wicked, spiritual sort that would mark ”most” people of that generation.

Anyone who has witnessed things going on with spiritual discernment, with even black businesses and livelihoods being destroyed by those who claim that black lives matter, will recognize these as highly likely those our Lord spoke about. He was prophesying mostly the time of the Tribulation era, the last seven years of human history leading up to His Second Advent.

However, included in His foretelling was the buildup to that time and the sort of lawlessness that would manifest the nearer the time of His return draws.

Even the prophets of the Old and New Testaments foretold this end-of-the-age lawlessness in their time. Paul, for example, predicted that “evil men and seducers would grow worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived” (2 Timothy 3:13). Certainly this election period over the past four or five years has made obvious this prophecy in process of fulfillment.

Despite the dark winter predicted by Mr. Biden, we can see yet another silver lining. Evidence of lawlessness mounting and abounding is sure proof that Jesus is about to step out on the clouds of glory and shout, “Come up here!” (Revelation 4:1).

And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh. (Luke 21:28)

Ready to Deal

Questions and comments coming fast and furiously in these volatile times ask why the election has turned out this way, or they want to know what it must all mean.

I’ve tried to answer most emails I’ve received like this, but it’s time to address these matters here.

“Ready to Deal” isn’t to imply that I myself will now “deal” with these matters. The title instead suggests my belief that the Lord of Heaven is now ready to “deal” in power and authority with the world and the rebellious state it has reached.

To strive to “Make America Great Again” was a noble desire, a worthy goal. I believe that most of us—half of the nation—truly meant the slogan, not with hubris in our hearts and minds, but with a genuine desire to see America returned to principles installed by the founding fathers.

We wished, only as de Tocqueville believed, that in order to see to it that America is great, we must make it “good.” Christians with understanding know that there is only One who is good. Only that One, Jesus Christ, can make anything noble to the point of greatness. The Lord of heaven is destined—we believe very soon—to reign on the earth as the King of all kings.

The “goodness” America has been blessed with has faded precipitously, it’s easy to see. America’s greatness long ago began its darkening descent from its time as that shining light on the hill. We now more easily understood why this, the apex nation of world history, isn’t mentioned by name in God’s Word.

The question, then, is not: Is America moving into a future shrouded in a murkiness that it almost certainly won’t emerge from? Many of us believe the answer to that question is yes.

The question we need to consider instead is this: Why is this happening now? Why—especially knowing that, before the sudden infliction of COVID-19, America indeed seemed to be on the cusp of becoming robust in its influence for good upon the rest of the world?

The Lord almost certainly was laughing the anti-God forces to derision, as the KJV puts it in Psalm 2. Nothing they tried in attempting to bring down the hated populist president of the US worked. Even with the national and world mainstream press joined to the powers and principalities to effect a coup d’état, the Restrainer (God the Holy Spirit) observably and easily swatted them away. Nothing they could do would stop Mr. Trump from doing his utmost to “Make America Great Again,” thereby taking the nation farther and farther from the globalist influence the powers and principalities wanted to exert on America. And America is the greatest obstacle preventing them from achieving their new global order, geopolitically speaking.

Just when it seemed that the Lord was seeing to it that those powers and principalities were kept at bay and even were in total disarray because of their reprobate state, He suddenly seems to have taken away His mighty hand of restraint. It’s as if He suddenly said on America’s election day 2020 that He has seen enough. Of course, God is not capricious. He doesn’t make rash decisions like we do. He knows all about this election and everything else, and He has since the unfathomable times in eternity past.

We as Christians should take great comfort from this reality. The timing of all these events was set in Heaven, not by political authorities or powers and principalities on earth. The bottom line is always that God’s will be done, no matter what. He is always in complete control.

So our next question to ask is this: What is God’s will in this sudden removal of His restraining hand to let evil once again rampage through its destructive, global-world-order construction project?

I believe with all that is within my spiritual senses that Heaven is once again at the point of beginning to deal, like in antiquity, with God’s chosen people, Israel. The succeeding administration (if contested election results turn out that way), whose many stated goals include bringing America into the internationalist (read “global”) order, also wants to give Israel’s archenemy, Iran (ancient Persia), the same nuclear deal as did the administration before Trump’s.

Mr. Trump has been Israel’s most faithful friend. America, under his presidency, therefore, has blessed the Jews in ways that are yet to be fully assessed. That blessing could turn into a curse with a succeeding president who would turn his back under pressures from the global constructionists. And, globally, Israel has no friends of significant power and influence, with the exception of America during Trump’s time in office.

Key to everything in the whole matter of this election—the seemingly inexplicable turn of events in the nation electing a man who is at the very least mentally challenged due to diminished capacity, and bringing to power a party vowed to take the nation into the new global order—is the most central national entity in all of Bible prophecy: the nation Israel!

Without reservation, I submit that God is on the very verge of being set to deal again with Israel in order to bring back to Himself a remnant of His people. With these, He will establish His millennial kingdom as the chief nation, from which His Son Jesus Christ will rule and reign over the earth.

The Lord, I believe, is also dealing with the rebels who populate this violent, anti-God planet. He must purge them while He is gathering His remnant of chosen people. He is about to deal with all Gentile believers who will accept His Son for salvation during that Tribulation hour.

And, to those of us who call on the Name of Jesus Christ for salvation, I’m thankful to be able to say that God is also getting ready to deal with us.

Before He will begin dealing with His chosen people, the earth’s rebels, and the Gentiles who will become believers during the Tribulation, the Lord will take His Church from the planet. At that moment of Rapture, the Restrainer, the Holy Spirit resident within each believer, will no longer hold back the evil to the same degree He is now.

The Lord is ready to deal, I’m convinced.

That’s not a matter of gloom and doom, but it’s a glorious prospect if you know Christ and will be kept out of the coming time of judgment and wrath.

Here is comfort from His very Word:

 “Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth.” (Revelation 3:10)

Prayer Wars II

Star Wars, the stunningly popular movie series, pales in comparison to the real-life drama taking place at this late hour in human history. And because its impact on human history will be profound, describing this war in such terms is not exaggeration.

The battle taking place is more than a supernatural conflict. Rather, it is a spiritual drama that is beyond comparison in the annals of national political intrigues.

This conflict might be called the sequel to the commentary I wrote some years ago. Its title was “Prayer Wars.” It was at a time when believers in Jesus Christ were faced with what was then considered the most important election, certainly in the memories of those who faced it. It was in the days surrounding the 2016 election.

Below is what I wrote at that time, with only a very few edits. The war that is raging at present is more intense, more violent, more necessary to win than even the 2016 election. The truth found within this commentary hasn’t changed, because the Lord does not change.

Again, here is what was written then:

Never in American history has there been in presidential politics a time that more fits within the descriptive given in Ephesians 6:12 than the time we are currently experiencing. That spiritual battle describes succinctly, in my opinion, the time that has led up to where America and planet earth stand at this moment.

“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”

For decades, it has been as if the dark, hellish forces of the ages have been turned loose against this nation, which has been so openly blessed by Heaven. The cultural and social “progress” thought to have been made, according to those who want to detach America from the Judeo-Christian mooring the founding fathers provided, are threatened by a significant challenge. We the people of God just might have decided we don’t wish that progressive agenda to proceed further. Thus, the war is on in a way perhaps unseen in the annals of US presidential elections.

We as God’s people are told how to fight such warfare as that in which we are presently engaged. We are to “put on the whole armor of God” (Ephesians 6:11).

The Bible provides a description of that spiritual armor with which we are supposed to adorn ourselves in order to wage war against this most powerful and wicked enemy force. Once we are fully, spiritually armed, we are told we are to be “praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints” (Ephesians 6:18).

How well most Christians these days have fully armored up is in question. The dumbing-down by the godlessness of the secular world and—even more troubling—by the compromising churches of recent times, has taken a heavy toll. However, the one weapon mentioned in the apostle Paul’s spiritual-battle preparation of Ephesians chapter 6 is in play during this war for the survival of this once-great republic.

I am believing that the core of the people in this nation who hold to the truth of the Word of God are “praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit” that the Lord will intervene in this war that is raging. It is a “prayer war,” to be sure.

I’m aware of the seminary and other positions that say 2 Chronicles 7:14 was only for Israel and doesn’t apply to America. But, the God of Heaven does not change. Jesus Christ, who is God, is the same yesterday, today and forever, the Scripture tells us. I am trusting, therefore, that that great promise given to Israel during their direst time of need applies equally to those of this day and time who are “called by His name.”

Although the nucleus of God’s people who hold fast to the Heavenly Father’s precepts and promises might be a dwindling number, we are still here in the hundreds of thousands, if not millions. We are engaged in this “prayer war” for a restoration of sanity in America’s government, society, and culture.

We are praying specifically that the evil forces that are raging to make this nation into a state totally apart from all godliness will be, at least on an interim basis, kept from their luciferian goal. I say “on an interim basis” because Bible prophecy plainly foretells that the satanic, globalist forces will for a time one day achieve establishment of a one-world order as Antichrist’s platform of power. It will happen. It’s just a matter of time.

Meantime, however, while the Church of Jesus Christ is here, thus the Restrainer (the Holy Spirit) resident within that Body holding back evil, it is right and proper—and I believe expected—that God’s people, called by His name, are to pray the prayer of 2 Chronicles 7:14.

“If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.”

Millions, I’m convinced, are even at this late hour praying this prayer to the best of our ability. I believe movements and revelations of corruption within the political processes of late reflect directly the Lord’s attentiveness to the genuine prayers of His spiritually attuned prayer warriors.

If America is again—like in the 2016 presidential election—to be so blessed by a positive answer to those prayers by Heaven’s throne room, I believe it will mean that the battle as described in Ephesians chapter 6 will, after the election, intensify even more than if God’s answer is otherwise. And it will, in that case, be this nation’s final dispensation of liberty, if there is not a turning back to God in a major way.

The war of the ages as this Church Age dispensation moves into its final stages will be fought most effectively by God’s people in the prayer closets of America. Let’s be sure to put on the whole armor before engaging in the battles we face.

Biden, Israel, and Peace Prospects

Prefacing this with the fact that the election is far from settled, with the possibility of the Supreme Court having to weigh in, I wanted to look for a moment at what a Joe Biden administration would portend. Particularly, how the relationship between Israel and the United States would be changed is an issue that bears serious consideration.

First to think on is that, according to Mr. Biden’s own words over a number of months during the campaign, America will immediately rejoin the Paris Climate Accord. That means that the nation would again be brought into the drive for globalist control. The US Treasury and other assets would be again available for the internationalists to plunder at will.

With the House of Representatives controlling much of the money outlay and with a president who believes in the new world order objectives, there would be few safeguards against the imposition of a global tax against US citizens. We would pay for our “excessive” carbon emissions and other infractions of the PCA.

Our temperatures in our homes would eventually be governed by our would-be global masters. Fuel prices for our cars—and for all forms of transportation—would skyrocket. At the same time, America would become totally dependent on other nations for any fossil fuel imports.

All that is disconcerting to anyone who loves our nation and its independence from confiscatory influences from outside our borders. Added to the controls by the new world order forces would be the influx of millions of immigrants, mostly illegal, whom Mr. Biden’s political party would use to create a voter base that can never be overcome by any opposition.

Imposition of a one-payer health insurance, government run, would mean that the citizens would eventually lose private insurance coverage and would instead pay heavy duties in premiums in order to pay for the government programs that would first serve those same illegals and their needs. We would be put on waiting lists that would make today’s waits in doctors’ offices seem but a few minutes in length.

We could look at dozens of ways our lives might change under uncontrolled impositions by a Biden administration. But to look at all of this from the Bible prophecy perspective, we only have to consider how America’s relationship with Israel would change.

We remember how the Obama-Biden administration dealt with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Recall how, when Netanyahu came to call at the White House, upon Obama’s request, the president had him enter from the rear portions of the White House. Then, after only a few minutes of talking with the Prime Minister, Obama abruptly left, saying he was going to dinner upstairs with family.

It was a snub of the first order—a thing unheard of in civil diplomatic interaction.

So with that track record, and one that is much more egregious in some cases, can we expect anything better from a President Biden?

But the real worry in regard to a Biden administration will be the dangers to which Israel will almost certainly be exposed.

Again, Mr. Biden has stated on numerous occasions that he will return to old ways in the matter of America and Israel. Of specific worry are his statements that we will return to the “Iran Deal,” which President Trump immediately exited once coming into office.

Remember the reported $150 billion in cash that Obama sent to a runway concourse in Iran, to the Ayatollahs’ anti-Israel regime. It was stated that it was money that was wrongfully kept that had belonged to Iran during the Bush years. This allegation has never been fully explained or proven.

Mr. Biden wants to bring America again into the “nuclear deal” between Iran and much of the Western world, which once included the US. The following news excerpt tells how this has our strongest ally in a great deal of consternation.

Democratic candidate for president Joe Biden’s position on the Iran Deal could lead to war between Israel and Iran, Settlements Minister Teach Hanegbi warned on Wednesday night.

“Biden has said openly for a long time that he will go back to the nuclear agreement,” Hanegbi said. “I see that as something that will lead to a confrontation between Israel and Iran.”

The minister told Channel 13 News that he, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and most Israelis saw the Iran Deal signed by the Obama administration in 2015 as “mistaken—and that’s an understatement.”

“If Biden stays with that policy, there will, in the end, be a violent confrontation between Israel and Iran,” he stated…

[Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee chairman Zvi] Hauser argued that “today, everyone understands the agreement wasn’t enough to prevent” Iran from developing nuclear weapons, and “countries of the free world know this is their test” – to stop Tehran from doing so.

A nuclear Iran would trigger an arms race, in which Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Egypt would develop their own nuclear weapons, Hauser warned.

“No one sees Iran’s behavior, creating instability in the Middle East, and thinks its right to let them win,” he added. “Neither the Americans nor Israel will allow a nuclear Iran.” (“Israeli Minister Warns of War if Biden Returns to Iran Deal:

‘If Biden stays with that policy, there will, in the end, be a violent confrontation between Israel and Iran,’” Lahav Harkov, Jerusalem Post, Israel News, November 5, 2020)

However things shape with regard to the election outcomes, one thing is certain. God’s hand is in all of it. We can’t help worrying as human beings concerned with the well-being of our families and our nation. But as believers in the Lord Jesus Christ, we know the ultimate outcome is glorious beyond all imagination.

But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him. (1 Corinthians 2:9)