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Pope’s Defection – A Key End Times Signal

Christendom is a word I view as designed by secularists of the world to encompass their misunderstood view of what comprises True Christianity. Under this misunderstanding, all who claim to be Christians are, according to this worldly definition, Christians. All fall under the term Christendom.

There are many sects, faiths, and religious systems that the secularists include within their favored term to encapsulate, to one degree or the other, religious belief in and spiritual embrace of the figure called Jesus Christ. These are each and every one false.

In my own view of what it means to be a Christian, there is but one system of faith. There is no other person, method, or anything else that can make a person a Christian. That Faith system, the Bible –God’s Word—tells us that Jesus Christ alone is the Savior of mankind. The person is a Christian who accepts without question what Jesus said: “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No man comes to the Father but by me” (John 14:6).

There is nothing that stands between God and the human being other than Jesus Christ, God’s only begotten (born in the flesh) Son.

It is with this Truth from God’s Word –the Bible—that I must somewhat qualify, or perhaps explain, the title of this article.

Pope’s defection – a key end times signal

The Catholic system of belief –of which there are several versions—often is separated by those commentating on the Catholic faith as differing from mere Christianity. This is, presumably, because those devotees to that system consider their Catholic Church as the only True Church to the exclusion of others that left as part of the Reformation and since have divided into multiple factions of Protestantism.

Catholicism says there are layers of mediators between God and mankind, i.e., one must confess to a priest, who might take the confession to the Mother of God (Mary), who, again, presumably might take the confession to the Son (Jesus) Who then, presumably takes the confession and obtains the forgiveness necessary from God the Father. At least, this is my –a neophyte in comprehension of the Catholic system— cursory understanding of how the Catholic system of mediation works.

I cannot even begin to accept this for many reasons, but to name just one reason, I offer this Truth from God’s Holy Word.

“For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus” (1 Tim 2:5).

Now, I write all of the above in order to try to explain how the Catholic pope –Pope Francis—has “defected” and why this “defection” is a key end times signal.

My belief in Christ alone for salvation precludes my counting the pope as within Christianity, but rather under the Christendom umbrella posited by the secularists, as I’ve tried to show above. So, when I say that Pope Francis has “defected,” I don’t mean that he has, in my view, defected from the True Christian Faith.

In my view, because of the Catholic Church’s declaration that there are a number of mediators between God and Man (as just one reason in this regard), this pope –or any other pope—can’t defect from a faith system under which they’ve never been.

This said, this pope, Pope Francis, has defected from that faith system –Catholicism—which has in common with True Christianity the belief that God finds homosexuality to be an egregious sin of an abominable sort. This agreement between the True Christian Faith and the Catholic faith does point starkly to the defection that this pope champions.

The following helps make understandable the end times apostasy at this late hour of the Church Age (Age of Grace).

Pope Francis is now accusing opponents of priestly gay-couple blessings of being hypocrites when, in fact, his blessing of homosexual relations and calling it good is hypocrisy. According to Francis, all the holy popes, bishops, and saints of Church history were hypocrites because they denied blessings to gay couples and barred them from the Church.

In a recent interview, Francis expressed his strongest words thus far concerning his decision to bless homosexual couples. He told NBC:

“Nobody gets scandalized if I give my blessings to a businessman who perhaps *exploits people, and this is a very grave sin. But they get scandalized if I give them to a homosexual, Pope Francis, via ‘Credere.’ This is Hypocrisy.”

This is a highly inappropriate comparison and reflects an obstinate attempt to continue his blessing of homosexual unions. His argument holds no water. Comparing a businessman to a homosexual makes as much sense as comparing a carpenter to a rapist. A carpenter, by definition, is a responsible working man, whereas a homosexual, by definition, is a sex offender on the path to perdition. Businessmen generally are responsible people working to support their families, unlike homosexuals whose criminal lives “cry to heaven for vengeance.”

If a businessman comes to a priest for a blessing, it means he truly wants this blessing for his soul and for success in his work, so the priest should bless him. And while he might commit some sins or faults in his work, that’s not a reason to deny him a blessing. “A just man shall fall seven times” (Proverbs 24:16) and then rises.

Whereas, if a homosexual couple comes to a priest for a blessing, it’s because they want their shameful relationship blessed. Were it otherwise, they wouldn’t dare to approach the priest ‘holding hands’ together. They want their gay union blessed, so Francis blesses it because he is a gay sympathizer. He is blessing their homosexual aspirations, not their souls, thereby working their eternal ruin, and then he calls it “good.” That is hypocrisy!

Source: Francis: Opponents of Clerical Gay Couple Blessings are ‘Hypocrites,’ by David Martin, Canada Free Press, February 8, 2024]

My writing of late has been on the likeness of our present time to being like that of Lot’s day in Sodom. This pope and his declarations –the latest being on the matter of sodomy and his opposition to his Catholic faith system, highlight, I think, just how near is that moment when Jesus foretold He will next be “revealed” and God’s judgment would fall on a Sodom and Gomorrah-like people.

There are today pronounced instances of falling away within major denominations from the True Faith found in God’s Holy Word. Homosexuality is at the heart of much of this defection. This “defection” by this pope from his own false system also smacks of Paul’s forewarning found in 2 Thessalonians chapter 2 about the falling away (the apostasy) that will occur just before Antichrist comes onto the scene following the Rapture of the True Church –all born-again believers.

“Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition” (2 Thes 2:3).

Despite God’s dire forewarning about those who fall under what He calls the abomination of homosexuality, He desires to forgive and bring into His family all who repent and believe in His Son, Jesus Christ, for salvation. And I must say here that those who are Catholics who believe in Jesus Christ alone for the salvation of their souls are “in Christ” forever. But they are saved in spite of, not because of, their Catholicism. God is not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance. Here is how to receive God’s Forgiveness and be part of God’s Heavenly Family forever.

“That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation” (Romans 10:9-10).


  1. Bren says:

    I have a brother who knows that Jesus Christ died for his sins and he believes that. However, he still lives in a homosexual relationship. Does he have eternal life?

    • Terry James says:

      He does. His earthly choices do not negate his salvation However, it will impact his rewards.

    • Patricia P Slomanski says:

      Terry, I disagree with your assessment that the man mentioned below will receive eternal life, even if he continues his abominable, homosexual lifestyle. The Bible is very clear in both the Old Testament and the New Testament. This lifestyle is an abomination to God. Regardless of whether he believes and/or continues this lifestyle. He is doomed to Hell if he doesn’t repent and follow the teachings of God’s Word.

    • Ed Wood says:

      Jesus said, “If ye love me, keep my commandments. And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever.” (Matthew14:15-6)

      Of course, no one can keep the commandments perfectly, which is why Jesus had to die as a perfect and sufficient offering to God to justify us, but to willfully continue in a relationship that God has condemned suggests that this man never really accepted Jesus in the first place.

      This is something, however, that only God knows, one way or another.

  2. Gee says:

    Hmmmm, does he admit he is sinning against God?

  3. jack says:

    you can not live in a homosexual relationship and be a follower of Jesus Christ . Homosexuality is a sin, you cannot live in sin and be a follower of Jesus Christ. Do not be decieved.

    • Bonnie says:

      It’s always been my belief that being saved means that we have accepted Jesus’ payment for our sin debt, and when that happens, we are filled with the Holy Spirit, who guides us, convicts us with guilt when we sin, and fills our souls with the love of God.

      But none of us – no one, even those who are saved – ever stops sinning. We are born with a sin nature and keep it all our lives, regardless of the state of our soul. We are all of us, still a work in progress until the moment we go to meet our Lord. Some sins are much harder to let go of than others, and may take years to finally overcome. Some of us have testified here to having taken years to overcome certain things. Only God knows the state of our hearts, and He is the only one who is justified in judging us.

      Then they inquired, “What must we do to perform the works of God?” Jesus replied, “The work of God is this: to believe in the One He has sent.” John 6:28-29

      All sin is an abomination in God’s eyes. But the only thing He asks of us is to believe in His son. God will take care of all the rest.

    • Derek says:

      John 6: 28-29 “ 28Then said they unto him, What shall we do, that we might work the works of God? 29Jesus answered and said unto them, This is the work of God, that ye believe on him whom he hath sent.”

      Sin is so much more than what we can see. It is anything out of alignment with God’s will. Passing thought, motive, tendencies we aren’t even aware of. If they believe, then they are saved.

      Our faith has always been the one work required.

  4. patrick says:

    hey terry i was a catholic up till four years ago it’s weird when you step back from a situation you can see the problem in a clear light thank god and jesus they sent the holy spirit to help me i was lost

  5. Ed Wood says:

    Many Protestant denominations split over the homosexuality issue, including the Episcopal Church which I had belong to for some fifty years. In 2003, a nod was given at is Triennial Convention to ordain a practicing homosexual man, Gene Robinson, as bishop of New Hampshire. This cause a split in the denomination ranging from the national level right down to individual parishes, of which mine was one.

    A handful of us stood against this move and, for several years, we made our objections strongly and repeatedly among our own parishioners and the assorted clergy in charge of our own diocese. After several years of fruitless effort, we left in 2007, never to return.

    For parishes which, as a whole, stood against this unbiblical move, their respective bishops essentially kicked them into the street by seizing their properties and assets. Sadly, my former parish rolled over and got to retain these things – but they certainly lost infinitely more than they kept by effectively kicking God and his Word right out the door.

    • Bonnie says:

      Well done, Ed. Church leaders and teachers are called on to live as an example for their church. You can’t preach the bible and openly, brazenly, live the sins you’re preaching against. God would not approve of us to have a known thief or murderer who won’t stop stealing or murdering as a preacher or bishop.

      • Ed Wood says:

        Thanks, Bonnie. You are totally right. Unfortunately, the church once provided the example for how a society should behave. Now it has adopted its fallen standards. Those in charge have become unworthy watchmen (and watchwomen)! They know what the Bible says and yet have willfully ignored its writings and its warnings.

        Here’s what Ezekiel had to say about that:

        Ezekiel {33:6} But if the watchman see the sword come, and blow not the trumpet, and the
        people be not warned; if the sword come, and take [any] person from among them, he is taken away in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at the watchman’s hand.

        I couldn’t have expressed it any better than the ancient prophet did.

  6. Denise says:

    Hi Terry, I was an Irish Catholic but praise God I got saved 30 years ago. The Lord says in Revelation 18:4 come out of her my people so you are not partakers of her sins. As soon as a catholic learns that they’re in a false system, they need to get out and into a proper bible teaching church. The great prostitute that the Lord talks about wears Purple and Scarlet, is mega rich, hates real believers and is the city that sits on seven hills – the Lord leaves us under no illusion. He hates her and will burn her with fire – tell all the Catholics in US and give them a chance to get out before the Lord’s return. God bless

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