Home » Nearing Midnight » Guess Who Is Rapture Ready…

Guess Who Is Rapture Ready…

Matters revolving around being Rapture Ready are what our website, Raptureready.com, presents to a world of people lost without knowledge of God’s Grace Gift Offer. Without Jesus Christ as Savior from sin that infects the human race, people of this fallen planet have no hope. They are going down that Broadway of life on earth that leads to destruction.

The Rapture will be the rescue from that coming destruction. It is rescue from the Tribulation –the last 7 years leading to Armageddon and Christ’s Return— and rescue from destruction that will be eternity apart from God. Jesus Christ and His Sacrifice on the cross at Calvary for the sins of mankind is what makes the believer in Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection saved from eternal destruction –and from the most horrendous time of all human history, according to Jesus Himself (Read Matthew 24: 21).

To be Rapture Ready is to accept Christ as your Savior. All who believe in Him will go to be with the Lord when He calls in that Glorious Event at some unknown instant of time.

Based upon all, we who “Watch” for Christ’s Return can discern that the instant of Rapture must be very near – thus because we can discern these wicked times leading to the Tribulation for which God has given many signs in His Word, the Bible.

The Rapture will happen before the last 7 years we call the Tribulation begins. The signals of that approaching Tribulation are in every direction those who Watch look in scanning the Prophetic Horizon.

So, our purpose in this website is to encourage all people to be Rapture Ready. That is, to accept Christ as Savior and then to obey God’s Word in living the Christian Life.

All of that is given here to preface what I wish to address in thinking on another facet of the matters involved in the Rapture. And that is the other side –the evil side– of being Rapture Ready. This is the reason for our commentary’s title: Guess who is Rapture Ready…

Those signals of the approaching Tribulation I mention are all important in considering what I hope to make understandable. The absolute evil and wickedness we are witnessing is stage-setting for that most horrendous 7 years Jesus Himself said would be the worst of all human history.

I believe we are seeing an exponential increase in these signs that the Tribulation is almost upon this generation. As a matter of fact, I have no doubt of it. And I’m convinced that this deluge of evil foisted upon this nation –America—in particular, is indicative of mankind’s greatest enemy knowing that the great Rescue –the Rapture—is on the verge of taking place. 

Satan knows God cannot lie. And the old serpent knows that God has promised that Rescue. He is aware, even if many pastors within the Church of Jesus Christ don’t seem to have a clue. The devil is acutely aware, I believe, that the Rapture is about to take place.

Therefore, he is getting all things in preparation for his one, last-ditch effort to prevent his own destruction –a thing which the God of Heaven has declared in no uncertain terms. This is another way to view the term Rapture Ready. Satan is getting all his plans, all his minions in place –everything lined up. He is, in his own demented way, Rapture Ready.

He is going full-force to make sure he is prepared when his opportunity comes to put his Son of perdition, Antichrist, and his regime of world control into place.

The following excerpt presents evidence that the evil one has long planned for this very time when he thinks the Rapture will occur.  

“Plans much bigger than communism’ have been set in motion,” and people who were not primarily in public office but people of prominence and known to the public through their occupations or private positions have the power to devise and implement such plans,” revealed eminent professor Dr Richard Day. But this was not a recent revelation; this was said back in 1969! According to Dr Day, the plan was “…to enter the twenty-first century with a running start. Everything is in place, and nobody can stop us now…”

By now, we all know, or should know, that we are living through an era that has been planned for many years, and the plandemic was not merely “the window of opportunity” for a” great reset” that Klaus Schwab would like us to believe. No, the reset required a situation whereby the masses would readily adhere to orders no matter how inhumane, irrational, or downright ridiculous they may be.

Fear and confusion a perceived “deadly pandemic” would elicit made it the perfect scenario to render individuals helpless and malleable, a combination that would not only enable a coup d’état with plans of totalitarian control but would have some individuals positively welcoming it. If only they had been made aware of the plans that “people of prominence” had for us!

Source: Astonishing Predictions from Dr Richard Day 1969 – Part 1 – “Plans Much Bigger Than Communism.” By Patricia Harrity on February 6, 2024, Expose Rapture Ready News posted February 7, 2024

In the above treatise on stage-setting begun many decades ago, the writer reports on how Satan’s plans to destroy humanity have rolled out almost precisely like Richard Day foretold back in 1969.

Day spoke as an insider and even expressed fear that he would be in danger for telling the secrets he divulged. He talked about fear created by pandemics and about how the education system and the school-based clinics would begin the transformation of America’s parent-child relationships.

Traditional marriage would, by design, become less important in sexual relationships and be transformed into perverse versions of unions between people, such as same-sex marriages.

Gender change and other forced movement away from God’s Order would be key to the transformation of America, which, of course, Barack Obama would later verbalize as his desire upon taking office as president.

Richard Day talked about how sex would be relegated to pleasurable pursuits and be diverted from family relationships and having children –thus to institute population control.

Abortion would become big business with the establishment of Planned Parenthood, and the law would be changed to legalize greater freedom in “choice.” The populations would thusly be reduced before it could even get started.

Homosexuality would take on increased influence within the thinking of the powers that be, a matter also aimed at breaking up traditional religious traditions and to tear down conventional families. Again, all this to control population.

He went much deeper into many of the wicked things that now have come or are coming to fruition.

There is no doubt to this writer at least that Satan is indeed Rapture Ready, in the worst possible sense.

I very much recommend reading the article in its entirety to get the full meaning of the complete madness going on all around us at this moment.

But it is one Glorious Moment in particular that the believer in Christ can anticipate in the near future. The Rapture! Here, again, is how to be Rapture Ready in the best sense of the term.

“That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation” (Romans 10:9-10).


  1. A Clark says:

    Man has his plans but the plans of the Almighty God will prevail. Best to be on the right side of prophecy.

  2. Ed Wood says:

    The Covid-19 so-called pandemic was nothing but a test run. It’s goal was to see just how far people could be backed into a corner and not fight back. Except for a few who soon realized they were being lied to, it was eminently successful. Even now, I still see people walking around wearing totally ineffective masks thinking that these ridiculous things will actually protect them from anything.

    Now I have tried to convince some people I know personally who still buy into this deception. For example, I’ve told them that the virus has a diameter of 1/10 micron (14 millionth of an inch) same as a smoke particle. Do they think that masks that have obvious visible gaps between their perimeters and their faces provide any protection from something that small? It would be worse than trying to stop a fly with chicken wire!

    While the Covid fiction was in full swing, I had come up with over 50 reasons in two years why I thought it was all nonsense, sent them off to politicians who never even bothered to respond, never mind contradict me.

    Long story short, it was, and is, like talking to the wall most of the time!

    Even so, I haven’t given up.

    The same can be said for people who have totally bought into the big lies of our society today which has become twisted into a wholesale moral inversion. But as I see it, we shouldn’t stop trying to get the truth out there that there is indeed a real God who is the ultimate decider of right and wrong, who even provided a way out at the expense of his only Son’s life, though none of us deserve it – because there are still some left who have not closed their minds.

    This is why it is not the time to quit because by persisting, you will be doing them a favor which will last them forever.

  3. Ed Wood says:

    1/10th micron is 1/4 millionth of an inch. The “/” went missing in my comment!

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