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2019 Prophecy Prospective – Part III

While the world at large might have some concerns about the human condition, there is scant recognition of truly impending doom for their judgment-bound planet. Certainly, there is no understanding, or even desire to discern, things to come that are foretold in God’s prophetic Word. Sadly, the same has to be said for much of the Church today–born-again believers in the Lord of Heaven, who is on the very brink of calling that body to Himself in the Rapture.

Judgment and wrath are just a heartbeat away for the rebellious creature called man, whether in death or in going into the Tribulation era to come. It is vital that the word go forth; Jesus Christ is about to be revealed, as Jesus Himself made clear in His days of Noah, days of Lot prophecy (Matthew 24:36-42; Luke 17:26-30).

At the heart of this dire event at some point in the perhaps very near future are the words Paul wrote. I urge the reader to carefully study the entire condemnation the Holy Spirit gave the great apostle to forewarn of the reasons that bring the Almighty’s wrath upon rebellious earth-dwellers–the term the KJV uses to define those who turn against God.

I’m referring to a passage in Romans beginning with 1:21. We will look at this condemnation of rebellion against the Lord in a few of its parts.

Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools…  For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompense of their error which was meet. And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient. (Romans 1: 21-22; 26-28)

Now, I know that in today’s reprobate vernacular what I’m saying here is considered “hate speech.” But the God of Heaven does not engage in humanistic political correctness. He speaks plainly to truth. He has said ithat when a people, a society, or a culture reaches this point, He turns them over to a reprobate mind. That is, He lets them go insane with their sinful rebellion, which is exactly where determination to go in the opposite direction from the Creator’s will for humanity leads–precisely where this generation finds itself.

History records the unyielding accuracy of God’s Word. Homosexuality and its many versions and perversions have been at the heart of every great, earthly empire as they came to their end. Ridding encumbrances to convenience of pleasurable indulgences–like removing inhibiting factors such as unwanted children through abortion and/or idolatrous sacrifice–have marked their descent into madness. Through observation of the perversions being foisted by the LGBTQ forces upon all of American society, we can see, under God’s enlightening Word, the proverbial handwriting on the wall.

With the murder of more than 60 million babies in their mothers’ wombs since 1973, in America alone, the world is under the looming judgment of a righteous God, a loving Lord who has moved Heaven and Hell, having sent His only begotten Son to die on a cruel cross, to bring about redemption from the sin that holds this rebellious nation and world in satanic bondage.

So, I view all that is wrapped up in the homosexual–thus incorrigibly rebellious–movement as the third most prominent indicator of where this generation stands as it moves deeper into 2019.

Finally, I come to the number-one indicator, in my view, that America and the world’s appointment with the Supreme’s court is drawing much nearer than most might think. We go back to the point with which we began this three-part series.

We use the word “convergence” to express the urgency of the prophetic hour. That is, those who think and write about Bible prophecy yet future from the Pre-Trib perspective use the term in trying to forewarn that Christ’s call to His Church looks to be very near.

Many who study and teach Bible prophecy from the pre-Trib view are convinced that it is this very matter–convergence of practically every signal given for the end of the age by Jesus and the prophets–that most profoundly points to where this generation sits upon Heaven’s prophetic timeline. We chronicle the signs of the times daily in our books, websites, TV broadcasts, and nationwide radio programs. Convergence of all the indicators is front and center. And, nobody is paying much attention, in  terms of the vast numbers who claim Christianity as their belief system.

One Scripture that I believe captures the essence of our exact prophetic hour is given by Jesus, Himself: “Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh” (Matthew 24:44).


  1. Bibleguy317 says:

    Reblogged this on BibleProphecyWatch.

  2. mary says:

    Pastor, I totally agree with you, most people (christian s) are paying no attention the “convergence” I have to say that in my speaking to people about it they have no idea. I honestly don’t understand it! My own family who are christian s don’t have any idea. Other christian s have stopped talking to me cuz I speak of the rapture and they don’t believe it so they don’t want to talk to me anymore.
    I find it all strange! But it is in step with the old testament, Jeremiah speaks about it, and Isaiah, people don’t want to hear about what’s coming on the world. they find it strange that a God who loves would judge people for their rejection of our savior. I always ask them the question, If someone killed your son, would you want justice? Most don’t want to say they would. I am convinced it is just as the bible says. The church is asleep, and busy doing other things. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of Wisdom and the Knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.

  3. Dave Lawson says:

    Thanks Terry for another outstanding article. Like many of us I’ve been asking our Lord to give me clarification on all those who are date setting or speculating. Over and over again I’m getting Matthew 24:44.

  4. Ron Minick says:

    Very interesting topic to share

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